Lips of Deceit

Chapter 20.

Jimmy and Johnny had walked off the bus and towards the venue. They were going to look in the room they’d left Syn and Zacky in first.

“This is so fucked up.” Johnny mumbled.

“What’s fucked up?”

“We’re going off to find our guitarist so he can propose again to our other guitarist, who can also turn into a woman when he wants. Sound fucked up enough Jim, cos it sure does to me.” Johnny said.

“Well sure, if you put it like that.” Jimmy and Johnny both laughed.

They walked into the room and found Syn still sitting where he was, staring into space. “Syn, dude, what are you doing?” Syn didn’t reply, just kept staring. Johnny waved a hand in front of his face. “Dude, snap out of it.” Jimmy could see in Syn’s eyes that he knew they were there, he just didn’t want to acknowledge them.

“Brian, if you don’t fucking answer us now, I swear I’ll pound your face in the ground.” Jimmy growled. He brought a fist towards Syn’s face but he avoided it at the last second.

“Fuck! What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Jimmy?” Syn asked, anger in his voice.

“You need to get to the bus and talk to Zee.” Johnny said.

“Why?” Syn asked. “It’s not like he loves me.” He mumbled the last part.

“Yes, he does. He came back to the bus and changed, she’s crying her fucking eyes out.” Johnny snapped at him.

“He thinks that you only proposed because he can turn into a chick.” Jimmy told him, quietly.

Syn looked shocked at them both. “That’s bollocks.”

Jimmy snorted. “That’s what we said to him. Dude, you have to go talk to him, you can’t just avoid him-”

“I’m not avoiding him.” Syn interrupted.

“I think Zacky wanted to avoid you, that’s why she changed.” Johnny said quietly. “Just come back to the bus, yeah?”

Syn nodded. But as they walked out of the venue, they were bombarded by fans. Syn silently cursed. He needed to get to Zacky.

Nearly an hour after Jimmy and Johnny left to find Syn, they all finally got back to the bus. They couldn’t believe how long it had taken. They were heading over to the hotel now, where they were staying for a few nights before heading back to California.

“Where the fuck have you all been?” Matt snapped as soon as they walked in the back lounge.

“Fans.” Jimmy said. “None of us could get away.”

“Where’s Zacky?” Syn asked.

“Her bunk.” Matt told him. “She only went in there a little while ago. She was waiting for you to come back, but she got too tired.” Syn felt guilty. He walked over to the bunks and closed the door after him. He opened the curtains and saw Zacky lying peacefully.

He climbed in next to Zacky, closing the curtain behind him and she woke up a little. “Syn?” She asked, groggily.

“It’s me baby.” He ran his hand down her side. “Change back for me Zee. Please?” He asked. Even in the dark, Zacky could see his eyes pleading. She nodded and within a few seconds, Zacky was male again. “I much prefer you like this.” Syn told him.

“Syn, I’m sorry about earlier. I wasn’t thinking straight and-”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“But I never got to answer you.” Zacky smiled, with shyness. “Yes.”

“Yes?” Syn asked.

“Yes, I’ll marry you Brian.” They grinned at each other and kissed.

15 minutes later, Jimmy was banging on the wall. “Wait until we fucking get to the hotel. Why can’t you two keep it in your fucking pants?”
♠ ♠ ♠
The Only Difference Between Drunk And Sober Is Control.
Skeptics And True Believers.
Both of these stories are by Jess. She's awesome and you should check them out. Cos you're all just that cool.

Comments mean Syn and Zacky will make with sexy times. :D

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo