
Angel, part One.

She was an angel. He swore. Anytime she was with him, he would always be okay.
The tall brunette man couldn't thank her enough for everything she had done for him. Whenever the two were apart, depression would take over his mind. Not even his fans could cheer him up. He had that sad expression on his face, constantly. But the times where she would come with him. It cheered him up. He performed with enthusiasm and energy.
Her blonde hair. Green eyes. Small figure.
She was at least 2 feet shorter, but it just made it easier for them to fit together. She was so pale, it was almost sickly.
Which made him conclude that she was, indeed, an angel.
Her soft voice. Gentle touch.
Everything about her was perfect.
He was sure of it.
It started the first time, before the release of his bands second album. He was upset, he didn't really know why. It was the stress of knowing that if he didn't finish the album, he would disappoint the fans. He hated having to see them angry at him.
Drugs and alchohal were his way out. And it would be the death of him.
After being yelled at by his parents for something, he had barely remembered, he headed to his friends house. The rest of his band was there too. Celebrating the release of their new album.
Anytime somebody addressed to him, asked him to speak... he felt like breaking down into tears.
His wrists were scarred, his sight was blurred. He couldn't take it. He headed to the bathroom to see if he could fix it.
He had anti-depressants with him where ever he went now.
"William! William! Wake up!" A female voice cried out to him. "Please, what happened! Come on!"
William Beckett opened his eyes to see a girl, one of Pete's close friends. The black haired girl was hysterical in tears, shaking William violently. The shaking alone could've killed him.
"L-Lori?" He asked, his voice could barely be heard.
"William! Oh thank god, you're alive!! You scared the crap out of me." She helped him sit up, and opened his hand to find 2 pills. "What are these?!"
"Listen, Lori-it's... it's not what you"
"Not what I what?! Think? I know what these are! They're anti-depressants. William, why didn't you tell me?"
William cupped his face in his hands and shook his head. "I don't know... I've been so... out of it. Don't tell anybody, please." He was now crying. Almost as hysterical as Lori was. He pounded the floor with his fist. "Promise me! You wont tell ANYBODY! You hear me?"
Was he threatening her?
Lori shook her head. "William...I don't have a choice. W-what would Lena think?"
Lena. That was her name. She cared about William, so much, not even god knows what she would do if William was gone.
"Lena." He slid to the floor and cried out her name multiple times.
"Please, come down. Talk to us if you're upset." Lori said, wiping away her tears. She stood up and walked out of the rom. "Please, William."
It's not like things got any better. William started to have serious depression problems. Anything, a word that reminded him of it would make him yell, cry... sometimes even use violence.
And Adam T. Siska was the usual victim. They were always around each other. They lived close by. But Sisky was loud. William usually laughed at his comments. But lately he had been taking them really offensively. Yelling at his best friend.
"You're an idiot! Shut up, nobody thinks that it's funny!"
Sisky didn't know how to take this. He tried avoiding him, but he wanted to help William.
But enough with the beginning story.
It happened, maybe 2 months after Santi was released. They were on tour. The album was released, right? He should be okay, right? That's what William would think. But he didn't really improve. A couple of minutes before the concert, he wasn't there.
"Carden, you've seen Bill?" Butcher asked.
Mike shook his head and shrugged. "No. He's been doing this a lot, it's really pissing me off!" He said. He did one last check and walked to the stage entrance, ready to walk onto the stage.
Chislett followed, he didn't really talk about William after he started acting so strange. He didn't want anything to do with it, it was pretty much an ignoring stage now.
Sisky was still confused. He wanted to know what was wrong with William, he'd find out soon.
"If he doesn't get out, we're going to have to have a talk with him. I mean, really." Butcher said, pure anger in his voice.
It was their time. William still wasn't out. The Academy Is... went onto the stage without him and stalled as best as they could.
Carden's eye caught sight of the fragile brunette man run onto stage. He didn't look alright. Paler than usual, shaky... hell, he was even skinnier than usual.
His voice was shaky, and his eyes looked like they were filled with sadness and worry.
The first song that was played would be one of youtube's top videos for over a year.
He sang the lyrics, beautifully as usual. He thought he was happy. Those pills seemed to help, but it was all in his mind. His body didn't accept what he was taking. The alchohal, it was all too much.
Soon, he was coughing up blood.
William didn't know why this was happening. It wasn't a usual side-effect. His knee's began to get weak. He fell to his knee's but got himself up, quickly, hoping nobody would notice.
Carden was trying to talk to him, but all William could hear was the crowd's loud roar and his own voice.
"William, your wrists!" Was what he was trying to get out.
One of the scars had been re-opened and he was bleeding again.
He hadn't noticed.
Next, William began to feel dehydrated. Faint. He continued, without bothering to sip his water.
Nausea. He felt sick and wanted to just take it easy. But the fans told his mind otherwise.
He couldn't take anything more.
A water bottle was thrown, aimed at him. Usually he caught it, with his talent for baseball.
It hit him in the arm.
He moaned in pain and fell to his knees.
The crowd was filled with silence.
Next thing everyone knew, William was lying unconscious on the floor, with all 4 band members and tour crew hovering over him.
"William! Bill, get up! Beckett, come on!"
They screamed.
Back on the tourbus, though. Lena Toruko, William's girlfriend, was checking something personal. The thing that probably saved William.
She smiled, and looked at the item. "I can't believe it..." She said. Her cell phone rang, she walked to pick it up. The concert couldn't be over that soon, could it?
"Lena! You have to get here, right now!"
"Sisky, calm down! What happened?"
The other line was dead. This couldn't be good. The blonde ran out of the bus and didn't even have to go that far.
In the parking lot. There was an ambulance. She ran to the truck and pushed through the crowd.
It was William, her William. He was there, laying down on the gurney. "Oh my god! William! Baby! What happened? Sisky, what happened?" She ran to him, throwing her arms around him for comfort.
"I... I don't know. He just... collapsed." He wiped a tear from her eyes. "He'll be fine." He said, not knowing if what he thought was real.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 1.
Not much to say.
I was depressed while writing it. XD
