I'll Be Your Voice.


I lived out my daily morning routine of waking up, and getting ready for school. The black eyeliner pencil glided over my eyelids in thick, defining lines. My pale foundation added a ghostly affect to my already dead-white skin. I remembered the comments my mother had made several times about my porcline skin; "Why don't you go outside and get a tan," or, "I have coupons to go to the tanning salon. You should come." I rolled my eyes. I didn't bother to pack lunch like my mom had always told me to do, but grabbed my iPod from the table and slipped on my converse. My brother walked by me, stuffing a peice of left over pizza from last night into his mouth and muttering a goodbye, crumbs falling from his mouth. I chuckled and nodded to him before leaving my appartment.

The fall was nice. It wasn't too hot, nor was it too cold. It was perfect. perfect, beautiful. I inhaled the fresh smell of frost, putting the earphones into my ears and pressed the 'On' button on my iPod. My messenger bag hit my thigh with every step I took until I came to a corner of the sidewalk where other of my class peers stood, chatting, texting, listening to music. I sat in my usual spot; somewhat secluded from the rest. This was my morning mentality.

The yellow school bus came around the corner, and reluctantly, I climbed the steps and took a seat near the back. The sound of everyone and everything was being drowned out by my music, which I turned up full blast. Discovering The Waterfront by one of my favorite bands, Silverstein, flowed out of the earphones and enveloped my thoughts. I restrained myself from singing or humming along to my favorite song. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around, somewhat surprised. It wasn't very often that people actually talked to me... Like a human being, anyway. I pulled one of the earphones out and raised my eyebrows at the girl. She flicked a strand of light brown hair from out of her face before speaking.

"Could you, like, turn your screamo music down?" sheasked demanded arrogantly, "It's really annoying." My expression of excitement fell as I nodded, letting out a quiet sigh and lowering the volume. Soon the bus arrived at my school, Devon Junior High School.


Lunch- Freedom for most students at my school. For me, it was another hour wasted in this place. I didn't eat lunch, anyway. In fact, I hardly ate at all. That's not to say I'm anorexic or anything like that, no. I just prefer to eat at my own house. There was a special bench that was dubbed mine behind the football feild. My life was very routined. I sat in the same places, at the same time every day. This is where I sat at lunch. My music mostly kept me company.

I sat on the wooden bench, hugging my legs, attempting to warm them. I only had on a pair of thin, black skinny jeans. Not the warmest thing you can wear on a colder-then-average fall afternoon. I pulled my My Chemical Romance hoodie tighter around my shoulders and shivered. I could have fallen asleep at that moment if it weren't for the football that came hurdling down and hitting me directly on the top of my head.

"Can you throw it back?" hollered a sporty looking boy in a jersey from the feild. I furrowed my brows. He was sure to laugh at me when I threw it. I had an awful throw. Oh well, I thought, giving it my best try. Surprisingly, it got far enough for him to catch it, and he nodded before running off with his friends. I shrugged and resumed listening to music, going unnoticed as I possibly could once again.

The rest of the day seemed to carry on for an eternity. But to my joy, the holy bell of freedom rang, dismissing me from another day of being invisable. I wasn't complaining, though. I rather came to like being overlooked. I didn't want that to change.

Or did I?
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First chapter. Comments are a magical thing that make things in life better. Feedback is even more lovely.

