He Saved Me, Loved Me, Wanted Me


Matt’s POV

“How long does it fucking take to get out of a god damned interview?!” I mumbled hastily to myself. I hung up the phone and called again.

“Hello?” Syn’s voice finally reaches through.

“Finally!” I shouted.

“Hey Shadz, what’s up?”

“What’s up? Your fucking in an interview while your wife is in labor, that’s-”


“Yeah, man! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for at least twenty minutes. Val took her into the hospital. I’m on my way now.”

“Holy shit! I’m on my way!”

We both hung up and I continued driving.

Ana’s POV

I sighed and closed my eyes, hearing the sound of my heartbeat along with the baby’s heart beat on the two monitors beside my bed. IVs had been placed in my arm, sending whatever was needed.

“Matt finally called. Said Brian’s on his way,” Val said. I opened my eyes and smiled.

“That is really good news,” I told her. She nodded and wiped some hair out of my face. “Who all is here right now?” I asked.

“Everyone but Matt and Brian.”


“Yep. Think of everyone you know through us and you’ve got it.”


Val laughed and jumped when her phone rang. “Hello?”

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Matt. Yeah, just go to the second floor, and you’ll see everyone in the waiting room, is Brian here? Almost? Okay. I’ll meet you out there. Bye. Love you too.” Val hung up her phone just as the obstetrician, Dr. George came in. Remember him? Yep. “I’ll be outside,” Val said before leaving quietly.

“Let’s see how dilated you are, shall we?” he asked.

“Sure,” I told him with a chuckle. He helped my legs into the stirrups, and checked after putting on gloves. After a few moments he stood up, taking off the gloves and putting them in the trash. “So?” I asked.

“You are about four centimeters right now,” he told me. I rubbed my stomach and shut my eyes tight as a contraction came along. “And about ten minutes in between contractions. I’ll be back in another ten, see how you’re developing.” He smiled and left, leaving me alone in the room. When was Brian going to get here? I was growing anxious and just wanted him here.

The door opened and I looked at it anxiously, hoping it to be Brian. Entering was Brent, who just smiled at me sympathetically.

“Hey Momma,” he told me, sitting down in the chair beside me.

“When’s your fucking brother going to be here?” I asked.

“He should be here soon,” he said. “How dilated are you, do you know?” I nodded.

“Four centimeters, I need to get up to ten.”

“How long will it take?”

“Who knows?” I groaned. “All I know is if I have to, I will cross my legs so the baby doesn’t come out until Brian gets here.” He laughed and looked to the door when it opened.

“Get the fuck out, dude. I need to talk to my wife.” I looked straight at Brian who was walking to me quickly. Once he was in front of me, he kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry, baby. I would’ve been here sooner, but traffic was a bitch.”

I smiled, laughing slightly. “At least you’re here.”

“So what’s the update?” he asked, sitting in Brian’s spot. I cringed, grabbing my stomach and tensing up. “Baby?” he asked, worried. I panted, begging the pain to stop.

“Contraction,” I told him, lying limp on the bed.

“Oh…” He kissed my lips and held on to my hands. “Soon, yeah?” he asked.

“I’ve only been in here for about two hours,” I said with a laugh.

“Childbirth takes so fucking long,” Jimmy said hours later. “Can’t they take a spoon, and I don’t know, shove it up there and drag little Gates out?” I looked at him, a look of shock on my face.

“Jimmy, get the fuck out of here!” I nearly screamed.

“Fine, I’m going, I’m going, jeeze!” Jimmy backed out and Brian laughed. Another contraction hit, only minutes after the last one.

“Shit,” I breathed, grabbing onto Brian’s hand. Soon, the doctor came in and repeated what he’s done several times.

“Okay, you’re at ten centimeters, I’ll call the nurses.”

“It’s time?” Brian asked.

“It is,” Dr. George replied. “Follow me, please, Mr. Haner.”



“Get this fucking thing out of me!” I screamed, Brian on one side and Val on the other, both letting me squeeze their hand as hard as I could.

“C’mon, baby, you can do it,” Brian whispered, giving me a couple ice chips while Val swiped my face of any sweat.

“One… two… three… and push from your bottom,” a nurse said. I pushed, hoping that this fucking thing would come out soon. My loins were burning in the painful way, and I was not a happy camper. “The baby is crowning, Ana. One or two more pushes.”

“C’mon, baby,” Brian cooed.

“You’re doing good, Ana,” Val said.

I pushed; still the burning didn’t seem to go away.

I pushed again, me screaming. As soon as the sounds of another’s scream sounded, I fell back onto the bed breathlessly as the doctors plopped the baby down on my arms.

“Dad, would you like to cut the cord?” Dr. George asked. Brian’s face lit up, and nodded. I watched as he did, being sure to be careful. Brian kissed me hard and rough while Val cried. I did too when I saw the baby as he was being cleaned up. He was small, yet healthy and had a full thick head of black hair. The moment of truth would be soon, weather or not he’d be Brian’s or Ricky’s…

They took baby Ian and weighed and measured him.

“Born five thirteen p.m. on June twenty fourth,” the Nurse said for another to write down. “Weight, six pounds, seven ounces. Length, eighteen inches.”

“Name?” the nurse who was recording asked.

“Ian Lucas Haner,” Brian said, kissing me once more. Val smiled at us.

“Congratulations,” she said. “I’ll be right back to tell everyone else.”

“You needed a paternity test?” a nurse asked. I nodded. “Mr. Haner, would you come with me?” she asked. Brian followed her out of the room while the other nurse took Ian with her.


“I love you, baby,” Brian said, kissing me on the forehead. I smiled and kissed him on the lips. Ian lay asleep in my arms after I nursed him the next day.

“He’s adorable, isn’t he?” I asked while looking at the newborn.

“He is,” Brian breathed, laying his head on my shoulder.

“Congratulations,” another voice said. I looked up, seeing a doctor from my past. Dr. Jacobs.

I smiled at her. “Hi!”

Dr. Jacobs and Brian shook hands while I wondered why she was here.

“He’s so cute,” Dr. Jacobs said, looking at Ian. “What’s his name?”

“Ian Lucas Haner,” I said.

“Congratulations on your marriage as well.”

“Thank you,” Brian and I said together.

“So you’re probably wondering why I’m here.”

“I am,” I said.

“Well, the probability of you getting Post-Partum Depression is higher since depression has been in your past and I’ve just came to see if all is well.

“Nothing’s wrong right now,” I told her honestly. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” Ian shifted in my arms. Dr. Jacobs smiled.

“When do you go home?” she asked.

“I should be released soon. They’re doing express on the paternity tests so it can be put on the birth certificate,” I said. Brian kissed my temple. He was just as nervous as I was.

“Oh, you mean this?” she said with a smile, pulling out a white envelope. I furrowed my brow as Brian reached for it, taking it in his grip and overlooking the legal document.

“Yeah…,” I trailed.

“You want to read it first, or do you want me to?” he asked quietly.

I paused, thinking it over. “Let’s read it at the same time.”

Brian nodded, opening the envelope. He unfolded it and moved so I could read it also.

On the date of June 24th of this year, Brian Haner was tested to determine the paternal results for Ian Haner.

In this case, the results show that Brian Haner is the paternal father of Ian Haner.

Brian and I looked up each other, eyes wide, big smiles on our faces. Instantly, his lips locked with mine, and I kissed back. It was wrong to be in this much bliss.

“I take it the results said what you wanted?” Dr. Jacobs asked. I nodded, still smiling at Brian.

“Little buddy,” Brian said, letting Ian grab onto his finger. “Hear that? I’m your daddy after all. Genetically that is, but it’s okay that you don’t know what ‘genetically’ means. I don’t care if you ever learn what it means, cause I’m going to be the best dad out there and your mom here will be the best mom and…”

I laughed as I listened to Brian drabble on.
