He Saved Me, Loved Me, Wanted Me


“Lacey!” I screamed.

“What?” she asked, her eyes wide.

“Where are the fucking candles?” I asked.

“Language!” Val said, bopping one of her two year old twins, Eliza on her hip. Colonel Sanders probably had Seth around here somewhere.

I groaned. “Please, guys, I need help, this is a birthday party for a six year old! He has all his little kindergarten friends over today… where’s the cake? Hey, baby,” I cooed to Eliza. “Where’s Isaiah?” I asked Val.

“Baby, calm down, I’ve got him,” Brian said, carrying a large cake and ice cream. I sighed. I was overly stressed right now. Brian kissed me gently yet effectively on my lips.

“Ew! Mommy, no!” Ian said. I laughed and ruffled his brown hair.

“Riley, no!” Leana screamed from the front room. Having this many young kids around at once definitely has its consequences. I pinched the skin between my eyes and leaned on the counter.

“You okay?” Brian asked, rubbing my shoulders.

“Yeah, fine,” I told him, sending him a smile.

“I love you,” he told me.

“I love you,” I replied.

“Where’s the fucking cake and ice cream?” Zacky bellowed.

“Zack!” Gena chastised, bopping her own two year old on her lap. I thought it was cute how Val and Gena went through their pregnancies together. They were just days apart. “Watch your language! I don’t want these kids growing up with bad habits.”

“They’re just words, Gena,” Zack said with a laugh.

“Daddy!” Ian said, running up to Brian, holding a present. Brian picked him up, putting his guitar down, holding him securely in his arms.

“Yeah, buddy, what is it?”

“Is this for me?”

I smiled at the cute moment. “Yeah, but you can’t open it until later, kay?”

“Why?” Ian asked curiously.

“Mommy…,” Isaiah, my four year old whined. I bent down, picking him up.

“Presents?” he asked.

“They’re for your brother, sweetie.”

“Why I not get any?”

“Cause it’s not your birthday, hun.”

“I want some!” he said, tearing up.

“Aww… when it’s your birthday, you can get some, okay?”

“No!” he screamed. “I want ‘em now! Not Ian!”

“Look!” Johnny said, holding a tiny gift in front of Isaiah. Isaiah sniffled, looking at it.

“What is it?”

“Open it,” Johnny said. I helped Isaiah open the gift which held a small green plastic bug ring. Isaiah giggled, and squirmed out of my arms, obviously going to show everyone else.

“Thank you, Johnny.”

“No problem.” I motioned to everyone. “Let’s get this six year old’s party going!”


“Mommy?” Ian called out to me before I left his room after tucking him in.

“Yeah sweetie?” I asked.

“Can you and Daddy tell me a story?”

“Me too!” Isaiah whined. I laughed.

“Sure, boys. Let me go get Daddy.” I walked out of the room and into Brian and I’s room, seeing Brian sitting on the bed, playing his acoustic gently.

“Done putting them to bed already?” he asked with a grin.

I laughed and shook my head. “No. They want us to tell them a story.”

“Both of us?” he asked.


“Well, what do you want to tell them?”

I thought for a moment. “I’ve got an idea. Follow me.” Brian followed me into the boy’s room and sat down on each of their beds.

“Ready?” I asked the boys, sitting at the end of Isaiah’s bed, while Brian was at the end of Ian’s. They both nodded and I began.

“Once upon a time, there was a very sad girl.”

“Why was she sad?” Ian asked.

“Because she thought no one loved her,” Brian said, catching on to the story I was telling.

“Then one day, she met the most amazing girl.”

“And immediately the boy fell in love with her.”

“What’s in love mean Daddy?” Isaiah asked innocently.

“Well, it’s like Daddy and I. We’re in love. We always will be.”