
Never Thought This Would Happen Info

Main character-
Name- Ariella (are-ee-ella)
Looks- Vannessa Hudgens
Age- 15birthday- May 4
others- is an orphan and lives at an orphanage. Sings really well, plays guitar, drums and piano. Has managed to stay out of trouble and wishes someone would adopt her.


Name- Miley Cyrus
Looks- Miley Cyrus
Others- Bestfriends with Demi, Selena, Cody,and the Jonas Brothers. Likes Nick Jonas.
Sings and plays guitar.

Name- Demi Lovato
Looks- Demi Lovato
Age- 17 (Hey its my story :) lol)
Others- Bestfriends with Selena, Miley, Cody,and the Jonas Brothers. Likes Joe Jonas. Sings and plays guitar and piano.

Name- Selena Gomez
Looks- Selena Gomez
Age- 17
Others- Bestfriends with Miley, Demi, Cody,and the Jonas Brothers. Likes Kevin Jonas. Sings and plays guitar.

Name- Cody Linley
Looks- Cody Linley
Age- 16
Others- Bestfriends with Miley, Demi, Selena, and the Jonas Brothers. Sings and plays guitar.

Name- Nick Jonas
Looks- Nick Jonas
Age- 16
Others- Bestfriends with Miley, Demi, Selena, Cody, and his brothers. Likes Miley Cyrus. Sings, plays guitar, piano and drums.

Name- Joe Jonas
Looks- Joe Jonas
Age- 18
Others- Bestfriends with Miley, Demi, Selena, Cody, and his brothers. Likes Demi Lovato. Sings, plays guitar, and tamborine.

Name- Paul Kevin Jonas II (Kevin Jonas)
Looks- Kevin Jonas
Age- 19
Others- Bestfriends with Miley, Demi, Selena, Cody, and his brothers. Likes Selena Gomez. Sings and plays guitar.


New Jonas Sister?
The world famous, Jonas Brothers, recently reported that their family would be adopting. Sources say they want a girl aged 13-16. How is this going to affect their tours and singing? No one knows for now but here in Popstar! We will report to you as soon as we know.
-Excerpt from March '08Popstar!

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tell me what you think! I have an account on quizilla that i'm doing this story on so when i update that one then i'll update this one.