
Never Thought This Would Happen 09

Ariella's POV (Near xmas time)

"So Ariella, what are you and your family planning to do over Christmas?" The MTV Live interviewer asked me.

"Well I'm not completely sure my brothers, here, have some sort of surprise planned for me. Though they won't tell me what, but I have a few surprises for them." I answered and motioned to my brothers sitting beside me.

"Nick, Joe, Kevin are you intriqued by what your sister has in store?"

"Yeah I am, though I'm a little scared. Last time she had a few surprises for us we had just finished watching a horror movie and her, Demi, Miley, and Selena dressed up as the actors and bought fake knifes and chased us around the house. It was so scary!" Joe said.

Everyone burst out laughing and Nick, Kevin and Joe all blushed.

"Awe poor babies scared little ole me is going to kill you? It's okay though I won't scare you-much." I grinned.

The three of them put on fake scared faces and Nick burst out,

"Oh no! The shorty is going to hurt us all!"

Everyone in the crowd all went, ooooo burnn. I just grinned.

"Let's just see if your still saying that after Christmas. I may be short, but I can be quite scary at times." I grinned evilly.

"Okayy we will return to this subject after Christmas why don't we let some fans ask some questions?" The interviewer asked.

We all nodded and the crowd screamed.

"First question is from Leah, Leah what is your question?"

"First of all I just wanted to say I am a BIG fan of all four of you and my question is for Ariella, why did your album release date get pushed back?" The girl asked.

"Well I'm pretty sure everyone has heard that I got diagnosed with diabetes, like Nick. My family, me, and my producers all agreed that it'd be better if we gave me a chance to get used to living with diabetes. I also wanted to write a few more songs and such." I answered.

I pointed at a girl that had been waiting patiently with her hand in the air.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hi my name's Sam. I was just wondering if you and your brother's were going to do a duet for your new album?" She asked.

"Actually what we are doing is I am doing a duet with each one of my brothers seperately. Then we're doing one as a group." I answered.

"Well that's all the time we have today the Jonas Brothers and their sister Ariella will be back in the new year!" The interviewer said and the camera cut out.

She shook our hands and we signed some fans merchandise and got into our limo.

Nick and I checked our diabetes then we ate our lunch. I sighed and put my head on Kevin's shoulder when I was done.

"Tired little chica?" He asked.

I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Were going home now right?" I asked.

"Yup and were going to put up the Christmas tree." He answered.

"You know, this'll be my first Christmas in three years that I'll be with a family." I whispered.
I sniffled a little and tried to hold back tears.

"Shh baby girl, it's okay. You have us now." Joe said, immediately moving over to me and gathering me in his arms.

I nodded and hugged him tightly. Ever since I got diagnosed with diabetes I feel closest to Joe.

I slowly fell asleep and snuggled down close to him.

"Baby girl, wake up, were home." Joe whispered.

I opened up my eyes and I saw that I was already in the house.

"Thanks for carrying me in." I said.

He nodded and the rest of the family came in with boxes titled; CHRISTMAS.

I sat up and grinned. I'm going to make the most of this.

Dad and Kevin got the tree set up and we all put ornaments on, even little Frankie.

"Ariella, do you want to put the star on?" Dad asked.

I nodded, I had never been allowed to do this even when my parents were alive.

I was so short that Joe had to lift me up and I set the star on top of the tree. Nick plugged it all in and the tree lit up. I smiled and hugged Kevin.

There was a knock at the door and we all looked up.

"That must be Taylor." Nick said, standing up from the couch.

He answered the door and I heard a deep voice. Then in came a gorgeous boy- no man.

"Taylor, my man." Joe said giving him one of those man hugs.

"Hey man this is our new little sis, you've probably heard about her, Ariella this is Taylor
Lautner." Kevin said.

I was thunderstruck. Oh my gawd. He's gorgeous. Oh wait Ariella speak.

"Nice to meet you." I said giving my prettiest smile.

"Not as nice as it is to meet you." He answered.

I blushed and Joe smacked him across the head. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey dude what's your problem?" Taylor said rubbing his head.

"Dude that's my little sister don't hit on her in front of me, actually just don't hit on her." Joe said.

I rolled my eyes again.

"Don't worry about them. They have yet to realize that I'm not a little child who doesn't have to be protected always." I said to Taylor.

He grinned at me and I shyly smiled back.

"I'll go make some cocoa for you children." Mom said.

"I'm not a child mommy!" Kevin yelled.

We all laughed at him as he pouted.My brothers sat down on the couches and Taylor and I sat down in front of the fire. Joe gave him the evil eye and I just laughed. I was wayy over Cody.

"So Taylor I heard you may not be doing the second Twilight movie?"I asked.

"Yeah. That's just a rumor I'm still doing New Moon. Actually the girl who was playing Bella quit. We're looking for a new one." He answered. "Actually you may be a good candidate."

I nodded thoughtfully.

"Maybe. I've never done acting really, though."

"That doesn't matter, you've gotta start somewhere." He said smiling at me.

God that smile is so hot!

"I'll think about it."

"Good, because if you get the part then we'd be doing the whole movie pretty much together."

I smiled at that.

"Okayy if you two are done flirting." Kevin called out.

I glared at him and stood up. His face got a scared look on it.

"Oh Kevy." I said grinning maliciously.

"Oh no." He said.

I jumped on him and started tickling him mercilessly. He was laughing uncontrollably when I finally stopped. I stood up and walked back over to where Taylor was sitting and sat on his lap.

"Go along with this." I whispered in his ear.

He nodded.

"Oh Taylor I think we should tell them. We should have told them a long time ago." I said.

"Yeah I think they deserve to know." He said.

"Okay. Guys Taylor and I have been going out for two months and now were going to go and
hang out- by ourselves." I said and I stood up.

Taylor put his arm around my waist and we ran into my room. I shut the door and we both burst out laughing. We heard my brothers yelling and it made us laugh even harder. We calmed down and just talked for about an hour.

"I should go." He said sounding regretful.

I nodded and we both stood up. We looked at each other and he lifted my chin up gently. I looked him in the eyes and we leaned in towards each other...
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ahahaha cliffie :):) sorry its been so long im just sooooo busy lately. merry xmas everyone :) lol its -30 degrees where i live in Canada