
Never Thought This Would Happen 01

"Get out your useless!"
"No! Please I can't!"
*Bam* a car runs into the one I had just been sitting in.
"Mom? Dad?" I whisper.
I could hear sirens in the distance what was I going to do? I had no family and I was only 12 years old. Tears came running down my face as the ambulance approached.
"Honey are you okay?" somebody asked me.
"No I'm not okay! My parents just died right before my eyes and I have no family!" I retorted.
"Well it was your fault your parents died you didn't get out before they could drive away you should be dead too."


Ariella's POV
I woke up panting and crying. No I was not the cause of mom and dad's death! I told myself. I shook my head and looked around my windowless, concrete room at the orphanage I was in.

*Ding! Ding! Ding!* The bell for us to get up rang.

I groaned feeling like I had, had no sleep at all. But regardless I got up and walked the two steps to my miniscule wardrobe. I opened it and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. After throwing on my undergarments and clothes, I grabbed my toothbrush and hairbrush and walked to the bathrooms. After doing my normal routine and getting offered drugs four times I went into the mess hall.

Ugh when will people realize I am not doing drugs nor am I having sex? I asked myself. I walked to the back of the line and got my meager amount of lumpy porridge and went to sit down.

Of course I'm sitting by myself... Again...

I sighed and walked to the back of the room to the back table. I sat down and thought back to my dream.

Kevin's POV

Yay today we're going to adopt our new sister! I yelled in my head.

I grinned from ear to ear as we drove up to the orphanage. I was the first one to jump out of the vehicle as soon as it stopped moving.

"Kevin wait up!" I heard mom yell but I just kept on walking into the building.

I heard laughter from behind me about how excited I was. It didn't matter though all I wanted was to find out who was going to be my new sister. I walked- more like ran- up to the front desk.

"Excuse me we're the Jonas family we have an appointment with a- Mr. Russing- where should we go?" I asked as my family finally caught up to me.

"Ah yes you do have an appointment his office is the second on the right." The receptionist smiled and pointed downa hallway.

"Thank-you." I nodded and walked fastly up to the door.

I waited for the rest of my family once again and the knocked on the door. A tall man with graying hair opened the door.

"Yes how may I help you?" He asked.

"We are the Jonas family we talked to you on the phone recently about us adopting?" My father answered.

"Ah yes now I remember please come in and seat yourself." He said motioning to the chairs behind him.

I smiled at him as we walked past. He himself sat down as our parents did the four of us kids stood behind them.

"So what age and gender were you thinking of?" Mr. Russing said folding his hands in front of himself.

"Well we were looking for a girl aged between 13 and 16 but we want someone who isnt into drugs and such and who is a nice child." My mother answered.

"I see well we have all of the children here just let me find you the age and gender you wanted then you can choose for yourself. Each child writes a little about themselves." Mr. Russing nodded and looked through a pile of papers.

I twitched and shifted from leg to leg impatiently as we waited for him to find the right papers.

I wonder what she is going to be like? I hope she can sing and play instruments... if not I'll teach her!

"Ah here we go!" Mr. Russing said and handed us a pile of about 10 different portfolios. "I'm going to step out and let you guys choose just holler when you know."

We all nodded and he walked out of the room.

"Okay boys each of us take a portfolio and if you think you've found someone tell us." Dad said to us.

"Okay dad." I said and I ran my hand over the portfolios.

I grabbed one that for some reason drew me to it. I went and sat in the corner of the office and took a deep breathe. I opened the portfolio and a picture fell out. It was of a beautiful girl. I looked at it then immediately felt a connection. I felt the need to protect her. I looked at the first sheet.

Name- Ariella DuPort
Age- 15
Birthday- May 4 1992
Gender- Female
Parents- deceased, car crash

About Ariella-

Hi. If you are reading this then you are thinking of adopting me (I hope). Well about me... I promised God when I was ten years old I would stay pure until marriage.
Check. I thought. Good she has the same values as us.
I sing, play guitar, drums, and piano. I have not nor will not ever touch a drug. My parents died right before my eyes when I was 12 years old. They died right after telling me I was useless. Iwould like a family who actually cares for me. I just want somebody to love me. I trust in God that I will find a good family.

Oh my god. She's the one. I thought.

"Guys! Guys! I found her! Mom, Dad read this! We have to please!" I said begging my parents.

"Alright, alright, Kevin we'll read her portfolio. Calm down!" My dad laughed at me.
I grinned and blushed then handed the portfolio to my dad.

I stood anxiously as I waited for mom and dad to finish reading the portfolio. Finally they were done and they were grinning.

"I think this is her." Mom said.

I grinned and ran out the door and up to Mr. Russing, who was waiting at the photo copier.
"Mr. Russing we found her!" I said breathlessly.

"Okay, okay I'm coming." He chuckled.

He followed me back into his office and he once again sat down behind his desk. Dad handed him the portfolio of my new sister.

"Ah her. Well we've had many offers to adopt her but she's declined every one so you will need to meet her and see what she would like. If she agrees then she can move in today with you." Mr. Russing said.

I grinned. She can't say no! Please she won't say no. Please God let her say yes. I thought desperately.

"I'll call her out of classes one moment." Mr. Russing said.

We nodded and he called her down.

Please God.

Ariella's POV

"Ariella DuPort please report to the adoption office." A voice on the intercom said.

I stood up and grabbed my books. Another one. I hope this family is the right one. I thought as I threw my books into my room and ran to the Adoption Office.

"Hey Alice where to this time?" I asked the receptionist.

"Mr. Russing's office. Please Ariella think hard about this family? You won't get any better than this." She answered.

I nodded and started walking to his office. Man this family must be important Mr. Russing only handles the important families. I thought. I walked up to the door and knocked twice. The door opened and Mr. Russing answered.

"Ah Ariella your here good. Please come in." He said and after I walked in he walked out.

I sat down in Mr. Russing's chair and looked at the family in front of me. Big family. Purity rings. Looks like this family might be the one. I thought.

"So my name's Ariella and you've probably read my portfolio so you know about me can you tell me a little bit about your family?" I asked the woman who looks like she's the mother.

"Well of course I can. Well as you can see we've got a pretty big family but that's okay. My son's names are Nick, Joe, Kevin and Frankie. Nick, Joe, and Kevin are in a band called the Jonas Brothers. You may have heard of them?" She looked questionally at me.

I screwed up my eyes thinking about if I had heard about them.

"Oh yeah I heard about them once I think they're getting pretty big aren't they?" I answered.

"Yes they are. But anyways my name is Denise and this is Paul. Our last name is Jonas as you may have gathered. We have always wanted a girl but it never happened. We believe strongly in God and each of your sons has a Purity ring as I see you do as well." She said.

I nodded and looked intensely at each of them.

If I said yes I would get a great amazing family who loves me and they're famous so it means they have enough money to take care of me. If I say no I probably will never get out of this Devil's hole. They all look so happy.

"Okay. I say okay. Will you adopt me?" I asked hoping with all my heart they will say yes.

"Of course we were waiting to see if you wanted to be adopted by us!" Denise-Mom said.

I smiled and Paul- Dad called Mr. Russing back in.

I'm finally going to be adopted by the most amazing family ever.
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