
Never Thought This Would Happen 03

Ariella's POV

Later that night it was decided that Cody, Miley, Demi and Selena would stay the night. I was getting along great with the three other girls!

"Hey girls do you want to hang in my room away from these four bozos for a little?" I laughed.

"Ahha of course!" Demi giggled.

I stood up and laughed. I ran up the stairs followed by the other three. We went into my room and all four of us sat on my never slept in bed.

"So how about we play truth or dare?" I asked grinning.

"Sure!" Miley said.

Demi and Selena nodded and I grinned this was gonna be fun.

"Okay Demi truth or dare?" I asked.

She thought for a moment before answering.

"How about Truth?" She answered.

I grinned just the answer I was looking for.

"Don't lie. Do you like Joe?" I asked grinning.

Her cheeks went instantly red. I grinned. It was sooo obvious that she did.

"Uhh... Ummm..Yeah I won't lie I do." She answered.

I grinned and Miley and Selena laughed.

"Ahha okay your turn." I said grinning.

"Umm Selena truth or dare?" She asked turning to Selena.

"Dare because I'm no fraidy-cat." She answered.

I liked where this was going. She obviously liked Kevin so it obviously was going to include him.

"I dare you to go downstairs and kiss Kevin on the lips then just walk back upstairs." Demi giggled.

Miley and I laughed and Selena grinned slightly.

"Okay." Selena said getting up.

She led the way downstairs. Miley, Demi and I waited by the stairs as she walked up to Kevin. She kissed him soundly on the lips and we burst out laughing and ran upstairs.

"Oh my god that was epic!" I yelled. "Ahha good thing I got it on camera." I smirked.

"You what?" Selena asked while we once again sat on my bed.

"Uh got it on camera?" I asked and showed them the picture on my phone.

We burst out laughing, Kevin looked so surprised.

"Ahha okay but make sure to not put that up on the internet." Selena giggled.

"Okay but it's your turn." I replied.

She thought for a moment then looked at me.

"Oh Ariella! Truth or dare?" She asked.

Igrinned. Duh dare i'm no ckicken ahha.

"Dare baby." I laughed.

"Muahahaha! I dare you to go make out with Cody!" She laughed.

I giggled and nodded.

"Make sure you get it on camera." I laughed as we once again trudged downstairs. I heard the camera turning on so I smiled and walked over to Cody.

"Hey Ariella." He said.

I cut him off and started kissing him. At first he didn't respond then he kissed back, passionately. I smiled and pulled myself away. Ignoring the death glares my new brothers were giving me. I walked over to the other three girls and we ran upstairs into my room and started laughing.

"Ahha dude did you get it?" I asked laughing.

"Of course." Selena said and showed me the minute and a half long clip of me making out with Cody.

"Ohhh I look hott! Ahha oh my god I just had the most amazingly fantabulous idea ever!" I yelled.

"What? What? What?" They yelled back.

"Prankwar." I said simply.

"Ohhh Ilikey the way you thinky!" Miley laughed.

We laughed with her and started to plan the first prank.


Cody's POV

"Dude you realize we're gonna have to kill you now right?" Joe said eyeing me up.

I touched my lips ignoring Joe and remembering Ariella's soft lips on mine. I smiled really big but then remembered there was three murdurous brothers in the room.

"Uhh...Hey I didn't kiss her! She kissed me!" I said defending myself.

"Hmm minor technicalty. You still kissed back." Kevin said.

I smiled they'd never hurt me...Or so I hoped.


Ariella's POV

We had everything all planned out. Miley and Demi would go downstairs and tell the guys we had to talk to them and when they came into the room there was syrup over top of the door that would fall on them and as soon as that happened we were going to throw feathers and puffballs at them.

"All right everybody got the plan?" I asked as Selena and I changed into camo clothes and put lines on our faces.

There was a chorus of yups and then Miley and Demi walked downstairs. Selena and I grinned at each other and went to our stations. A few minutes later we heard a rumble of guys' footsteps and then we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

As suspected they opened the door and promptly all of the syrup fell on all four of them.

"Get them!" I yelled.

Selena and I threw all of our feathers and puff balls at them till they were covered head to toe.As we were doing this Miley and Demi were video tapping it to put on our youtube account. We were all out of stuff and we looked at the guys they looked murdurous.

"Uh oh." I said.

"Ditto." Selena answered and the four of us ran out the door behind us and across the hall into my room. We locked the door behind us and started giggling like mad.

"Oh my god did you see the look on their faces?" I laughed.

"Ahha yes! They are gonna be sooo mad though!"Demi giggled.

We heard footsteps on the other side of the door and all four of us screamed. We were going to die a painful death inflicted by non other than the Jonas Brothers and Cody Linley.

"Oh little girls we know your in there please come out we won't hurt you." Kevin said.

"Much." We heard Joe whisper.

Once again we screamed.

"No we are never leaving!" I yelled back.

"Dang it little sister open up the dang door or I will break it down!" Joe yelled.

I yelped and motioned for the other three girls to follow me. There was a hidden room within mywalk-in closet that led to the outside. We crept quietly into the actually quite roomy tunnel. In the distance I could here someone barging into my now vacant room. We ran outside and giggled as we could see from my window the guys searching my room for us. Then Nick looked out the window and saw us. We waved brightly to the sticky syrupy and feathered boy. We heard a yell and started running. We ran into the park and hid behind a shed.

"Oh god we are going to die." Miley whispered.

"Ahha well at least were going to die by hot guys." I whispered back.

That caused all of us to snort with laughter.

"I hear them!"The faint voice of Cody drifted over to us and we exchanged fearful glances. I motioned for them to follow us and we started running. We reached the house and ran up the stairs to my room.

"Oh thank god that was close!" Selena said as we slid downmy closed door.

"ahha man I'm so tired now." I said yawning. The adrenaline was starting to go away for all of us.

"Yeah me too lets go to sleep." Demi said.

I looked at the clock. 11:32 PM it read. I nodded and we allwalked over to my bed and crashed on it. I smiled as I slipped into unconciousness.


Joe's POV

I was going to kill them. They ruined my hair and clothes! We searched all over the park and finally gave up at around midnight. As we walked into the house we saw a light on in Ariella's room. I grinned, the chase was back on. It was quiet in the room and the door wasn't locked. We opened the door to see all four girls crashed on Ariella's bed. Ohh this was going to be some sweet revenge! We walked back out of the room.

"I have an idea!" I whisper yelled.

My brothers and Cody looked at me.

"Grab the whipped cream and chocolate syrup." I stated with a evel grin.

"I like the way you think." Cody nodded and we ran to the kitchen to get the required items.

Once we had all of the stuff we walked silently once again into the room. We coated them in the food items and we laughed silently at the look of them. Last but not least I put a giant waterballoon on top of her door so that when sheopened it the balloon would fall. We smiled at our work and then went to go sleep with the doors locked in Kevin's room.

Man I love my new sister. Was my last thought.
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tell me what you think!