
Never Thought This Would Happen 05

Ariella's POV

After we had gotten permission from mom we went down into the giant basement and grabbed a tent. We put the tent up and right now were getting all the blankets and such that we'll need. I went up into my room and grabbed a pillow and a sleeping bag I found in my closet. I went back downstairs and set my stuff up in the big tent. Nick, Joe and Kevin all came and put their stuff in and we sat down in a big circle each of us on our sleeping bags.

"So since were going to be brothers and sister we should play truth or truth. No lies between us." Kevin said.

"Yeah sure." I answered.

Nick and Joe both nodded and Kevin nodded as well.

"So I'll start. Who do you three like?" I asked.

Their cheeks went red but they knew they had to answer truthfully.

"I like Miley." Nick said.

"I like Demi." Joe said.

"And I like Selena." Kevin said.

"Who do you like?" Nick asked.

I blushed I didn't want them to hurt who I liked. I knew they would I've only known them for like two days but they were already overprotective.

"I like Cody. But he doesn't like me." I answered.

I saw their eyes glint evily and I giggled a little.

"You know when you go into overprotective mode it's kinda funny. Your eyes go all weird." I said.

They smiled back at me and their eyes soffened a little bit.

"Sorry. We just don't want you to get hurt and if anybody does we'll kill him." Joe said.

"I promise you that if anyone hurts me you can kill him. But remember you guys are famous it may not look good when you kill someone." I giggled.

They laughed along with me.

"Eh minor technicality." Joe said offhandedly.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever but new question. Have you honestly stayed true to your promise?" I asked.

"Of course!" Kevin, Joe and Nick said at the same time.

They were surprised I asked that.

"Have you?" Joe asked.

"Of course. True love waits." I replied.

They nodded.

"We agree but new question. How did your parents die?" Nick asked.

A question I knew they would ask. But one I was dreading. I hated telling this part of my life.

"I was twelve years old and my parents thought I was useless. One night they told me to pack a bag and they drove me off. They told me to get out and just after I got out a semi hit their car and they died instantly. Right before my eyes they died. Every night I have nightmares about it." I answered.

I looked down and away from them. I didn't want them to feel bad for me but I did want them to care just a little bit.The three of them came and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry for you but now you have us. We will always love you." Kevin said.

I hugged them back and smiled a little.

"Thanks. I will love you guys for forever." I smiled.

They smiled back at me and I looked at my watch. 12:34 AM. Wow it was late.

"Hey guys I'm getting kinda tired can we go to bed now?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm getting kinda tired too. Let's go to bed." Joe said.

I nodded and we let go of one another. I moved my sleeping bag so it was in between Kevin's and Nick's.We all slid into our sleeping bags. Both Kevin and Nick snuggled up close to me and they threw their arms around me. I giggled a little bit.

"Hey I don't want to be left out!" Joe yelled.

He layed his sleeping bag on top of us and layed on the three of us. I giggled and actually it was quite comfortable.

"I feel like a sandwich!" I giggled.

They laughed and I yawned.

"Goodnight coffee, curly, and crazy."I said.

"Coffee, Curly, and Crazy?" Joe asked rolling over to look at me.

"Coffee is Kevin, Curly is Nick, and Crazy is you." I said.

"Okay then. Well good night baby girl." Joe said.

I nodded and yawned once again. I closed my eyes and snuggled into my brothers' embrace.


The Next Morning. Ariella's POV Still.

I woke up to flashes of lights and voices.

"Awe they look so cute together! I can't wait for today. This will be a great picture to introduce Ariella as the boys' sister." I heard someone say.

"I agree. But all four of them have a photoshoot to get to so we should wake them up." I heard another voice say.

I groaned as did the other three.

"What's going on?" I asked groggily.

"I don't know." Joe answered back the same way.

I groaned again and opened my eyes. I saw mom and dad standing beside us with a camera.

"Hey mom, dad, what's going on?" Kevin asked.

"We saw you four here like this and thought you four were so cute. We took some pictures because we thought it would be very cute to show you four like this. We were about to wake you up because all four of you have a photoshoot today as well as your going to Radio Disney." Mom said.

I nodded and tried to sit up. I realized I couldn't because Nick and Kevin's arms were still attached around me and Joe was still laying on me. I started giggling.

"Joe can you get off of me and Nick and Kevin can you un-attach yourselves from me?" I laughed.

They started laughing too and Joe rolled off of me. Kevin and Nick dislocated their arms from around me.

"Come on fro bro up and at 'em." I said to Nick.

He laughed and got up.

"I'm going to go get changed be down in a bit." I said.

They nodded and I went up to my room. I went into my closet and looked around. I decided on a pair of hot pink leggings and a pair of denim short shorts to go over top of them. I went to the other side of the room to the shirts and looked for a second. Finally I grabbed a bright orange tank top. I went over to the shoes and looked for a bit. I took a pair of bright orange vans with hot pink laces. I grabbed my under things and got dressed.

Once I was dressed I went into my bathroom and put on just a little bit of makeup and then put my hair into a low side pony. My hair is naturally wavy so I just left it like that. I checked myself out in the mirror and when I was satisfied I went downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey Frankster." I said and swiped at Frankie's hair.

"Hey don't mess with the hair." He said fixing it.

"Oh no! You've spent too much time with Joe!" I yelled and grabbed him.

"Promise you won't go to the dark side!" I yelled again.

Everybody started laughing.

"No Frankie come to the dark side we've got cookies!" Joe yelled.

"Nocome to the good side we've got candy!" I yelled back.

"I choose the good side!" Frankie yelled.

We all started laughing and I sat down beside Frankie and Nick.

"I can't believe it three days we've known her and Frankie is brainwashed." Joe said shaking his head.

I giggled.

"That's because girls are better than guys in everyway. Except for Frankie he's equal with girls." I grinned.

Everybody laughed again and we said grace then started eating.


After Breakfast Still Ariella's POV

"So when do we leave?" I asked.

"Umm... Right now."Dad said looking at his watch.

I nodded and went to grab my Iphone. I ran back downstairs and out to the car.

"Woohoo! My first photoshoot!" I yelled as we started driving off.
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