
Never Thought This Would Happen 08

Ariella's POV

I sat by the window and looked out at the cars rushing below me. Why did this happen to me? Don't most people with type 1 diabetes get diagnosed when they are younger-like Nick?

I heard a knocking on my door and stood up.

"Yes?" I called out.

"There are some visitors for you here do you want to see them?" A nurse asked.

"Yeah let them in." I sighed.

I was really tired, I wasn't used to having to watch my blood sugar. Today was one of those days when my blood sugar was low, so I was really moody. I looked up as my door opened. My brothers, Cody, Selena, Miley, and Demi came piling in.

"Hey guys." I fake smiled.

Selena, Demi, and Miley all came running over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh my gosh are you okay? Wait of course you're not okay you just diagnosed with Diabetes." Demi rambled.

I giggled a little.

"You ramble a lot. But yeah I guess I'm okay my blood sugar is a little low today and I have no idea how to handle my Diabetes." I answered.

"Well It's a good thing you have Nick then!" Miley laughed.

I smiled back and nodded.

"Do you know when you getting out yet?" Cody asked.

I thought for a second then answered,

"I think tomorrow but it depends on how I'm feeling."

I don't think I like Cody much anymore...Just as a friend, nothing more...

"Oh okay. Good to know. I'll tell mom and dad." Kevin said.

I nodded and saw Joe looking sad.

"Joey-bear?" I asked.

He rushed over to my side and hugged me.

"You can't ever do that to me ever,ever again, babygirl!" He said into my shoulder.

I hugged him back, tightly, and tried to hold back the tears that were coming.

"Let's give them a moment alone." I heard Nick whisper to the others.

I heard some shuffling then the door open and close. After they left I just let go and the tears came. I felt my own shoulder get wet too and noticed Joe was crying as well.

"I-I should've noticed what was happening with you." Joe cried, his voice cracking.

"It's not your fault Joey-bear." I whispered.

We both calmed down a little bit and we pulled apart, but I stayed sitting on his lap. He stroked my hair and we lied down side-by-side. He kissed my cheek lightly like only a brother does. I felt so much more comfortable with just him here with me. So we both fell asleep still clinging to each other like we would never see each other again.

I woke up early in the morning and Joe was still lying beside me. I guess they just didn't want to wake us up. I snuggled back down beside Joe and drifted back to sleep.

The Next Day ((Ariella's POV))

"Ariella, Ariella wake up babygirl." I felt someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes and It was Joe. I smiled at him and sat up.

"You get to come home today." He grinned.

I smirked and said,

"Miss me at home?"

"Pft no." Joe lied.

I smiled and hugged him. I looked up at him and burst out laughing his hair was a mess
and his face had imprint lines.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Go-go look in the mirror." I giggled pointing at the bathroom door.

He stood up, confused, but did as I told him. I heard him start laughing as he looked at himself as well and I giggled.

Then there was a knock on the door and I walked over and opened it. It was my doctor.

"Hi Ariella I just need to do some last tests then you get to go home." He said.

I nodded and held the door open for him. He came in just as Joe walked out of the bathroom, his hair and face now fixed.

"Who are you?" Joe asked.

I rolled my eyes. Always the overprotective brother.

"Hi I'm Dr.Black I'm here to do some last tests on Ariella then she can go home. Are you her boyfriend?" He held out his hand and Joe shook it.

I burst out laughing that he thought Joe was my boyfriend, obviously he doesn't pay attention to celebrities much.

"No I'm her older brother." Joe said, actually being serious for once.

"Oh sorry for the miscommunication." Dr. Black said.

"No problem."Joe answered.

"Well let's get started."Dr. Black said motioning to the bed.

I nodded and sat down on the bed. He took my blood sugar and checked my heartbeat and temperature.

"Well everything seems like it's in order. Do you have a way home?" Dr.Black asked.

I looked at Joe and he answered for me,

"Yeah I have my car here I'll be driving her home."

"Okay I'll just get the papers done up then you can go. But be sure to check your blood sugar a lot and I heard one of your other brothers has Diabetes as well so listen to him." Dr Black stood up and shook both Joe's and mine hands.

At Home ((Ariella's POV Still))

I walked in the door and breathed in the familiar scent of home. Next thing I knew I had three of the four of my brothers jumping on me.

"Ariella!" Frankie yelled.

I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Frankster." I said and swiped his hair.

He frowned at me and said,

"Thats the only free one your getting."

I smiled and hugged each person in turn. Then stood back beside Joe.

"Well I think I'm going to go shower then bed the last couple days have been confusing." I said.

"Okay sweetie. Call if you need anything." Mom said to me.

I nodded and went up the stairs.
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okayy guys heres chapter 8 :) but I need feedback people! comment rate message all that fun stuff please!