Drowning Lessons

We've Only Got One Chance To Put Things At An End.

Gerard's P.O.V.

Me, Mikey and Ray had been sitting in my living room for about an hour.

"Where the hell could they be?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know, Mikes, but I'm sure they're fine. If Frank has even found Bob yet," I replied, trying to comfort him, but my own voice sounded shaky.

We'd tried several times to call Bob's cell. It was turned off, which meant either A)Frankie had found him and he was having a heart to heart, B)He was still pissed, or C)Frankie had found him, and the phone was turned off simply because the sound of it ringing might draw attention to the alley where Bob was burying the younger boy.

Frankie just wasn't answering his.

This was about 15 minutes ago. We'd given up since then, and we were uber worried.

Just then we heard the door open. We all jumped, and looked into the front hall to see who it was.

"Boys, I hope you hung your laundry up this time, if you leave wet clothes lying in a pile they will MOLD, I've TOLD you--.. why are you all looking at me like that?" Came the voice of my mom. We all let out our breath, our hopes crashing.

"Sorry, Ma, we thought you were someone else," I said, as Mikey hugged her before he and Ray returned to the living room.

"Someone else? Like who? Who could be more important than your beloved Mama?" she joked.

"Frankie and Bob have been gone for a long time without telling us where they were. Frankie followed Bob because he stormed out all pissed. We're worried about them," I explained.

"Oh, well Skittles called me about ten minutes ago... said Bob was fine, and they'd be coming back after Starbucks," she replied, apparently quite amused at our pointless worry.

"Aw, Ma, I love ya!" I said, throwing my arms around her, then a thought hit me. "Wait, huccome Frankie called you and not us?"

"Because it's Skittles. He has more sugar than common sense in his head."

I laughed and kissed her on the cheek. My Ma, sometimes...

Just then the door closed again.

"Frankiiieeee!" I sang, as he skipped through the main doorway and kissed me softly. My face went red. Ma was right there, and I didn't think she knew about...

"Its about time, boys," she said with a laugh.

"Whaddya mean, Ma?"

"Oh, please, I was ready to ask Skittles out FOR you!" she pinched my cheek and left.

"That woman. I swear, sometimes, I think she's a clairvoyant."

"No, just a wonderful, wonderful Ma," said Frankie.

Bob came through the door, fighting to hold on to a tray with 4 coffees and a large bag of Skittles.

"Hey Bob. Missed ya," I said with a small smile.

"Yeah, well.... we wouldn't have taken so long if this douchebag hadn't had to have his skittles," he said, grinning.

"I see only four coffees. Where is mine?" I demanded.

"THIS is yours, Frankie drank his before we got out of the shop," said a laughing Bob.

"That's my Skittles," I said, using the pet name nobody but my Ma had used for him since the fourth grade.

Bob put the tray and bag down on the table just as Mikey and Ray came back into the front hall.

"Boooooooobbbbbyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!" Mikey shouted as he jumped into Bob's arms. Bob slung Mikey over his shoulder and spun him around.

"How are ya, little brother?"


Bob immediately put him down and backed away. He knew all too well what happened when Mikey got dizzy... he knew first hand.

"Come on guys, let's go for a walk or something. Frankie looks jittery," said Ray, and we all looked at Frank. His eyes were moving from person to person and his weight kept shifting from one foot to the other. We agreed.

We all walked outside, coffees in hand, and there were 2 unwanted people crouching in my driveway. Beside my car. I recognized one, Josh, a football player at my school. The other's face was hidden.

Bob shouted "HEY" at them, they looked up and bolted off.

We walked up to where they had been squatting, right beside my little silver car.

And gasped.

Right there... in huge, dripping, red, spray-painted letters... were 6 letters.

Six awful letters I never wanted to see or hear again.

And here they were, on my car.

My beloved little Subaru....