Drowning Lessons

I Would Drive On To The End With You.

Gerard’s P.O.V.

“Are you coming, boys?” the policeman asked condescendingly. Frank started to walk forward, but I had his arm in an iron grip. I stood rooted to the spot, and Frank looked back at me, urging me forward with his reassuring smile.

No way.

Keeping hold of his arm, I bolted in the opposite direction, towards the front doors. The policeman was yelling for us to stop and come back. I didn’t listen. I didn’t know if Frankie was running along with me, and I didn’t think it mattered. With the state I was in, I could have dragged him along at this speed if he was sleeping.

Shoving Frankie in the passenger side and jumping behind the wheel, I peeled out of the parking lot fit to cut some ruts. With the policemen and the questions and the guilt behind me, common sense started slowly flowing back.

What the hell had I just done?

I just ran away from policemen. I had the knife on my person still, so I was withholding evidence. And judging from the fact that I could already see red and blue lights coming up behind us, it looked like I’d be resisting arrest as well.

Why had I brought Frankie with me? He wasn’t a part of this. He didn’t need to get in trouble for my careless actions. I started shaking slowly, and I had a lump the size of my fist in my throat.

When I felt Frankie’s hand on my shoulder, I let the dam break and tears flowed freely down my pale, sweaty, panic stricken face.

“Gerard.. Shh... its okay... its... oh, shit,” I heard Frankie say, his voice rising in panic at the last words. He had seen the lights. He had seen the cars behind us. 5 squad cars. We were being chased.

“F-Frankie.... what the fu–what the fuck do I do now.. I didn’t-... I didn’t mean to b-bring you into this... just... Frankie, just go..... I’ll stop somewhere and you can..can just get out.. And go. You don’t have to be a part of this... you d-didn’t do anything wrong. I won’t let you g-get in shit bec-because I’m a coward,” I choked out.

“What? What did you just say?” began Frankie, getting angry, “Gerard, don’t ever let me hear you say anything like that again. I am just as much a part of this as you are. How valid is my love if I just leave you at the first sign of trouble? You are mine. No. No, you are a part of me. I can’t leave you. I couldn’t even think of it. There is no purpose to my life if you aren’t in it. I’m not going anywhere!” he finished, tears coming to his eyes.

His words made renewed courage course through my veins. Hell, he was right. We were nothing if we weren’t together. He loved me... and it was because he loved me that he could never leave me, even when his own safety, and even his life, were in danger. I kissed him briefly and floored the pedal.

“Uh..where the fuck should we go? Where can we get away from them?” I asked, beginning to panic once again. We had 3/4 of a tank of gas, and the vehicle was in good shape, but that didn’t mean anything when you couldn’t get away from your pursuers.

“Take as many turns as possible, and if you see an alley, duck into it at the last second. Every time,” replied Frankie confidently. His voice did not shake one bit. I followed his advice.

“Why, Frankie, it would seem you’ve done this before,” I joked.

“Nah, I’m just a huge Nicholas Cage fan. The Nickster always knows what to do in a shit twist like this,” he shot me a grin, not missing a beat.

After a long while, the sound of sirens got fainter and fainter, until we could no longer see the lights, or hear the engines. I couldn’t relax yet though. We may not have been safe. Not yet.

I motored the car until we hit the outskirts of Belleville. I saw an old farm that looked pretty abandoned, and parked behind a grove of trees.

For a long while, we just sat there, panting and trying to work the panic out of our minds.

We were safe. For at least the foreseeable future.

I finally opened my eyes and grinned at my love. He had pulled through. Yet again. He communicated his iron clad courage to me, and he made me bulletproof once again with the sheer strength of his love, the determination in his eyes.

I kissed him deeply, frantically, desperately. He responded, and his hands came up to caress my face. His touch was ecstasy, and just before I felt reality slipping away, I pulled back.

“You are amazing, Frankie. I could have never thought of losing them like that. You saved my ass. I love you,” I said, my grin getting wider and wider. I couldn’t believe what we had just done! We had experienced something that people like Bonnie and Clyde lived for! We ran from the police, the law...

We were free.

And I vowed to see to it that we stayed that way.