Drowning Lessons

Give 'Em Hell, Kids...

Gerard's POV

The next day all me and the guys did was walk around and hang out. Doing nothing. As always.

Well... not EXACTLY as we'd always done.

Now I had Frankie.

Now I had everything.

Now I was happy.

We were all walking down the street one shittily sunny Tuesday afternoon, Frankie's hand in my possession. I smiled contentedly and rested my head down on his shoulder. (Which is pretty fuckin hard to do, I've got a good five inches on this guy.)

"Frankiieeee," I droned, "Let's go to Starbucks, doll!"

He smiled at me, which, in other words, meant he pretty much melted my face right off. He pecked me and nodded in agreement.

At the touch of his lips, I felt an electric shock course through me.

We walked into Starbucks, and right away the bad vibes came our way.

We were receiving disgusted glances from various people around the room. I curled up inside myself. We did NOT need this...

"QUEERS!" I heard a sporty looking type guy call from a table by the window.

I cringed. I didn't want to hear this... I'll just ignore it... I'll just ignore him...

"Would you like to join us tonight, sweetheart?" I heard Frankie reply to him.

This received a disgusted sound from the jock. He got up, picked up his coffee, and stalked out of the cafe, all the while muttering things like "fuckin fags..."

Frank's POV

"Would you like to join us tonight, sweetheart?" I heard myself say.

No. I didn't just say that. Did I? That's not me.. I don't say things like that... for fuck's sake, I'm just a queer in a Starbucks, I don't have THAT much courage...

Yet, here we are...

I kissed Gerard's cheek softly, to give him reassurance. Was it just me, or did he cringe - actually CRINGE - when that guy yelled 'queers' at us??

Was he embarrassed... uncomfortable... or even ashamed, to be seen with another guy? I hope not.. that would break my heart...

I guessed we should have a talk.

"It's okay, Gerard, he's just an ignorant fuck," I said softly.

He just nodded and walked up to the counter. I took hold of his arm all the way. I felt like I would never let go of him again. I just wanted my baby to be safe and unharmed... I didn't want anyone to hurt him.

We ordered our coffee and got the hell out of there. Not that we were scared or anything. I just suggested we go somewhere else, to protect Gerard's feelings from being injured further.

I didn't know exactly the extent of my feelings for him.

All I knew was...

When I saw pain flicker across my baby's face, I had wanted to kill the motherfucker that put it there.