

The day slowly passed by. I didn't know if something stupid was going on and the world slowed down or I was just border then a plank of wood. I turned and noticed a girl in the cell next to me. She looked Japanese or something. Her dark hair draped her face and she didn't seem to move. Her complexion was pale and her she shivered as she sat there in the corner.

"Hi." I stammered. "Mmy name's Kayla, I destroyed the Sales Warehouse." She shot her head toward me. She didn't look angry but she didn't look welcoming either. She didn't say anything and went back into the same position she was in before.

Now that the hair that was once cascaded down her arm was in front of her I payed close attention to her jacket. I was a Simmerton High School basketball jacket. "Sarah." I whispered. That was the name on her jacket. I thought for a minute because the name seemed to stir and hit my head like I knew I should know this girl but I didn't know.

I looked over at Taylor. He was scraping a stick with a pocket knife making it sharp at the point. I the ignored him. Dylan was asleep and Jeremy well Jeremy, actually looked like Sarah.

The same slumped position. The same worried look on their faces. The thought finally struck me. "Sarah!" I said quietly so no one would look at me weird like I was a handy or something.

This was the Sarah that was my reading buddy in grade one. This is the Sarah that helped me with boy problem in grade three. This was the Sarah that was my all time buddy in grade five. And this is the Sarah that when she moved to high school I balled and balled because I never saw her again.

I knew it for sure. I had to get her to notice me again.