What's in the Heart Is What Matters


You headed back to the house after your talk with Adrian. He was such a nice vampire. Not like others back at the house (cough--Edward--cough). And it seemed like he really cared about you. You were really excited about meeting him tomorrow.

You went up to your room and grabbed a book. You opened it and started reading it but then you couldn't concentrate.

You kept thinking about Adrian. You were so occupied thinking about Adrian that you totally forgot about Edward's power. So you were really startled when you heard a familiar voice ask, "So who's this new boy you've found?"

You looked up and saw Edward. Of course. "His name is Adrian. And he's not a boy he's a vampire." you responded.

"Yes, that is exactly my point. A vampire that we do not know. How do we know he's not bad? Huh?" he said. "Or that he could be spying for some of our enemies? He could be here to get some information on Bella!"

You groaned. "Everything's about Bella with you! Maybe he's just a nice person who was concerned about me! Maybe he just likes me! He doesn't have to be a spy! Do you get suspicious every time you meet a vampire? Huh? What about when you met Alice and Jasper? Were you suspicious that they could be a spy???" you asked frustrated.

"We are not talking about them! We are talking about the new vampire you met who was conviniently hunting we you happened to pass by! He was conveniently worried about you so he went up to you and made a conversation!"

"It could happen! He could have been out hunting when I just happened to pass by! He could have been worried about me so he just went up to me and made a conversation!" you paused and calmed yourself down. "Not everyone's a spy Edward. And if you don't understand that then just, just..."

"Just what?"

"Then just leave me ALONE!" then you went to the window and went out of it (the window was opened). You ran as fast as you could towards the city. You slowed down when you got there and headed towards the mall. Maybe some shopping could calm you down.

You hated fighting with Edward. He was your friend. But he made everything so difficult! It's like he didn't want you meeting another guy. You were so wrapped in your thoughts that you accidently bumped into someone. You looked to see who it was and saw a girl about your height.

She had a long-sleeved, pink shirt and a pair of jeans. She also had yellow eyes.

"Sorry." she said, in a high, beautiful voice. You stared at her suspiciously. Could she be a vampire? She looked like one. She sounded like one.

"It's okay. I wasn't watching. I should say sorry." you said.
(The next conversation is in whispers)

"Um, by any chance, are you a. . .a person who. . ." she said. She was trying to find some words in case you weren't a vampire.

"A vampire?" you asked.

"Yes! Omigod, are you?" she asked.

"Are you?" you asked, somewhat suspicious.

"Yeah!" she said.

"Me too!" you exclaimed.

"Wow, this is amazing!" she said. "I met more like me! I thought I was alone. Most vampires don't drink animal blood, you know."

"Yeah, I know." you said. "I'm Linda." you extended your hand.

"Hello, I'm Janet." she said, taking your hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Hey, would you like to meet the rest of my family? They're vegetarians like us!"


"Yeah. That's sort of what we call it."

"That's cool." she said. "And yeah, I'd like to meet your family."

"Cool, come on, lets go."

You headed to your house with Janet, walked through the door and. . .