Why is loving him so hard?

Pure Torture

Kelly walked back into the room. Tommy was sitting in her seat. He smiled and waved at her. There was only one seat left. In the back, next to Tommy. Kevin was sitting on his other side. Kelly forced her feet to walk to the back. She slowly sat down. Mr. Simpson finally arrived.

"OK, everyone take out your Sex Ed textbooks." Mr. Simpson said. Kelly looked around and saw everyone take out there books.

"Oh yes, Kelly, I'm aware that your new , so till you find the time to purchase one. look on with Mr. Cruise," Mr. Simpson said. " Just move your seats closer."

Tommy looked at Kelly and smiled. He was obviously enjoying every moment of this, since he knew Kelly was dying inside. Kelly hesitated, then moved her seat closer to his, wishing a meteor would come crashing into the classroom, taking that nasty smirk off Tommy' s face. Kelly tried not to look, but she could feel Tommy' s eyes burning a whole through her.

"Looks like this class is gonna be a lot more interesting then I thought," Tommy whispered in Kelly' s ear.

"Turn to page 166," Mr. Simpson said. Kelly was waiting for Tommy to flip the page, but he only sat there. Kelly looked at him and he raised one of his eyebrows. So Kelly did the only thing she could think of to do. She flipped the page. Tommy grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Well, you wouldn't flip the page, so I thought, I would," Kelly nervously asked.

"All you had to do was ask," Tommy replied , " And before I forget, don't touch my book."

The bell finally rang after what seemed like eternity, Kelly found her ninth period class. It was Phys Ed. She went into the locker room, but then realized that she hadn't brought any clothes. She heard someone talking to her.

"Hey , you," Penny called out, " You better watch your back."

"Leave me alone bitch, you don't even know me," Kelly said.

"Well, I know that your a psycho bitch," Penny sneered, " Who do you think you are, standing up to Tommy like that?"

"I don't get it, why are Tommy and his boys so popular. Why does everyone listen to them like they own the school or something, " Kelly cried.

"Because they basically do. Just be nice to them, OK. Lemme tell you something. Don't tell anyone." Penny whispered.

"Um, OK, I won't ," Kelly said.

"Well, me and Brian started dating like a year ago. There was thi- this one time," Penny whispered, on the verge of tears. " I , it was an accident, I swear Kelly. "

Penny was crying now. Kelly instantly felt sorry for the girl whom she just despised about a minute ago. Penny may have been beautiful, and she may have stolen Brian from her, but she looked so sad all of a sudden and Kelly couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Well, we were all heading for this party, some senior was throwing. It was all goi- going good, till I like an idiot, got so damn drunk, I ended up in bed with, with , Josh, some kid who took advantage of me , since I was so passed out." Penny had tears streaming down her face by now.

"What Happened then, what did Brian do?" Kelly asked. nervously.

"He found out about it because , Josh was going around telling everyone, when Brian found out, I tried to tell him that I was passed out and he'd taken advantage of me. Brian didn't believe me though. Well you know how , Tommy and his younger brother Rick live together." Penny said slowly.

"well OK, I didn't know that, but OK," Kelly said, not surprised.

"Brian grabbed me and told me he was taking me somewhere, he was really angry so to- took me to Tommy' s house, since his parents aren't around. Well, we got there, and Tommy and his whole crew were sitting there, just laughing and talking , as if they had no clue what Brian was about to do. Brian walked in and then he pushed me inside Tommy' s room. He told me to tell him the truth, and he just kept yelling and yelling at me, telling me I was a whore. I kept telling him the truth and he didn't believe me. So he, he," Penny cried, then looked down.

"He what, what", Kelly asked, shaking.

"He beat me, for about one hour straight," Penny whispered. " Then he just walked out after that, leaving me unconscious. "

"Why, why did he do that?" Kelly whisper -gasped.

"I don't know." She whispered.

"Why are you still with him?" Kelly asked, suddenly angry.

"It's complicated, OK, just drop it," Penny said.

So much things were running through Kelly' s head. Here she thought Penny was the perfect girl with the perfect life. Kelly also couldn't believe how much Brian had changed. What had happened to him? It was like he was a whole new mane who'd changed. For the worse. Tommy and his crew were such assholes. Why hadn't they done anything when they knew Brian was beating Penny? These guys were more dangerous then Kelly had thought.

"Kelly," Penny said, taking her out of her thoughts. " Come on, we're gonna be late.

The rest of the day came as a blur to Kelly until the bell rang. Kelly dragged her feet to the bus. She didn't want to look at Tommy, Brian, Rick, Ray ray, Kevin, or Luis. They were all assholes. When Kelly came to the bus, she sat in the same seat she'd sat in the morning. Kelly was waiting for Sue. Everyone got on. Finally Tommy' s crew got on. Kelly was sitting all the way in the back, by where Tommy and his boys sat. They all went to the back and sat, everyone of them glaring at Kelly as they passed her.

"What's the plans for today?" Rick asked.

"My house, let's just chill today," Tommy said.

"Hey, man why isn't Penny here." Luis questioned, looking at Brian. Kelly winced at hearing Penny's name.

"O, she said she wasn't feeling very good. She kinda did look sick actually, I'll call her later." Brian said.

The bus stop finally came to a stop stop at Kelly' s big house. Kelly' s grandma always did have a lot of money. She looked out, finally so glad to be able to go home. As she got up, Tommy stuck out his foot, making Kelly fall. Why was he such an asshole. Kelly could feel hot tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Oops, my bad," Tommy snickered.

Everyone on the bus started laughing at her. Kelly didn't even bother looking back at Tommy and saying something. What was the point, right? He would just win the fight anyway. She walked off the bus as tears fells down her face. Kelly stepped out as fast as she could. She ran into her house. Kelly ran to her room. Kelly buried her face into her pillow. She hated this school. She felt bad for Penny. She missed her parents. Kelly tried lifting up her head and realized she was to weak to do that. So instead, Kelly cried herself to sleep.
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Chapter five!!! :)