Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 1

I shuffled through my bags trying to wait patiently for my ride. I angrily sighed, and sat back in my seat.

"Patience is a virtue, Alexis." Ingrid said happily, getting giggles from Shannon. They were too teeny and immature.

"Patience is a virtue, Alexis." I mimicked in a high-pitched voice. I ran my fingers through my deep red hair. "Where are they? It's like two in the morning and I'm tired." I complained.

"They'll be here soon, chill." Dan yawned.

"I waited 19 years! I can't wait anymore!"

"Call them then." Dan shrugged.

I looked at Dan dumfounded. "No duh!" I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Pete's number. I couldn't believe that I never thought of that earlier. I guess I can't function while I'm overly tired. The phone rang for what seemed like forever until it reached Pete's voicemail.
"Hey this is Pete. Leave a Message. And I'll Get back to you when it's humanly possible."
"PETE! It's Alexis; we've been waiting FOREVER! And you're still not here. Whatever just call me back when you get this message." I closed my phone, and looked impatiently at Dan.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. It's not my fault they aren't here" Dan said innocently. My features soften. I knew he was right, so there was no reason to be mad at him.

I sighed, "Sorry."

It had been another 40 minutes, and they still weren't here. Not only that, Pete never called me back. Everyone else besides me, was sleeping somehow, either on the floor or somehow on the chairs. I was the only one up, and it was killing me.

"Pete, hurry up." I whispered under my breath. I looked out the doors hoping that Pete would come through them. I bet if I stared at them long enough, he would appear.

"ALEXIS!" Pete yelled running through the doors. I blinked a few times. I had to make sure that is was actually him. He was finally here, thank god. He reached me out of breath, four boys around my age following him close behind.

"Pete," I said calmly. Pete looked scared. Maybe that was a good thing.


"Where the hell have you been?!"

"Um…ha, you see the funny thing is. I could of swore you all were coming in tomorrow morning."

"Why would you think that?"

"Cause that's what he said," Pete pointed behind him at one of the four boys.


"Brendon," Pete said quickly.

"Hey! Don't bring me into this. You should have checked yourself." Brendon said defending himself.

"I don't care who said what and when anymore. I just want to sleep!"

"Okay okay. Jeez don't have a fucking hissy fit." I stared at Brendon blankly.

"Have you been sitting in this airport for over 2 hours, after flying for 4?"


"Exactly so I wanna go now!" I went silent for a few seconds before yelling, "SHANNON! INGRID! DAN! GET UP!"

"You don’t have to scream."

"And you didn't have to be late, but look here, you were anyways!" I glared at Brendon. He was not getting on my good side.

"Yo! Chick! Chill!" Another one of the guys screamed. This one was short with long brown hair.

"Brent! Stay out of this!" Brendon snapped. The three sleeping bodies awoke, and looked back and forth at Brendon and me. I noticed them staring, so I decided to end this stupid fight.

"Whatever. Let's just go." I said grabbing my bags and leaving.

"What a bitch, Pete how could you sign her to the label?"

"Spence, she isn't that bad. Give her a few days." Pete said defending me. We all walked to the car, and got in. We drove to the hotel that we all were staying at. Pray to god that I don't have to share a room with one of those stuck up asses.

"What do you mean we can't have all the rooms we paid for? That's insane!" Pete exclaimed.

"Sorry sir, but since you are a few hours late to check in we had to give a few of your rooms away." The lady at the desk said nicely. Pete just stared at her. I walked up to them.

"And that will be fine. Can we just have the keys to the rooms we still have?"

The woman smiled at me and handed them over. "Have a good night's sleep," She said as we walked away from the counter. The boy whose name I have yet to find out gave her a small wave to tell her we heard her.

"So, who is staying with whom?" I asked.

"We should choose names from a hat!" Ingrid said cheerily.

"Oh hell no!" Dan quickly replied.

"Going black Danny boy?" I laughed patting him on the back.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing at all."

"Anyways…" Brendon interrupted, "Let's just do the hat thing."

And that’s what we did. And you guys didn't pray hard enough for me. Cause now I'm sharing a room with two boys. One of them being the boy whose name I didn’t know before. Which is Ryan, and lucky me, the other guy I'm so lucky to be sharing a room with is Brendon. Oh why does god hate me so? We walked in the room and quickly we noticed that there were only two beds.

"I'll sleep on that couch thing." I quickly said collapsing on it. Brendon looked at Ryan and shrugged walking towards the bathroom to change. Ryan looked at Brendon and then down at me.

"Alexis," Ryan whispered poking me.


"Go sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, I would feel bad if you didn't sleep well. Go sleep on the bed." I finished motioning towards the beds. I heard Ryan sigh, and then the unexpected happened. He picked me up bridal style and placed me on the bed. "Ryan, what the h-"

"We'll both sleep on the bed." He turned to go get his stuff but before he did he turned back to me, "That’s final." He smiled triumphantly and got his stuff, came back and got into the bed. I smiled to myself before I let sleep over come me completely.
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