Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 11


I watched impatiently as Ryan and Brendon type away on their laptops, and Spencer and Jon in a heated match on one of Spence's video games. Everyone else was sleeping. How they could get any sleep on this bus was beyond me.


"What. The. Hell?" Ryan said while typing.

"I'm trying out for the lead role in 'The Lion King'. I'm gonna be Simba."

"That wouldn't work out." Jon laughed, joining the conversation.


"You're a chick."

"At least we think she is." Spencer said.

"I know she is." Jon winked.

"Oh god, not again," I said getting up.

"So are you?" Spencer said looking at me.

"Are you?" I shot back.

"I think our innocent Mormon boy is the only virgin here." Ryan said still typing. Brendon grew a deep shade of red.

"Ingrid is."

"Still?" Jon asked wide-eyed.

"I think." I said twirling hair around my fingers.

"So you aren't?" Brendon asked. I winced wishing the whole subject would just disappear.

"I don't want to talk about this." I said going to the bunks.

No one knows the truth. I never tell people the truth when it comes to this subject. I also don't plan on telling anyone the truth. I felt tears form and I couldn't resist the urge to cry. I cried silently for a while until I decided to come out when the bus came to a stop. After a few moments and an argument with myself I finally came out of the bunks thinking everyone was gone. How wrong I was. There was Brendon sitting at the table. I tried to go back before being noticed, but no such luck.

"You," Brendon started. "Get your little musical butt back here."
I listened to him, and sat down next to him. He shut his laptop, and looked me straight in the eyes.
"You don't have to tell me, but I know there's a reason you won't talk about certain things."

"Yeah," I said looking down.

"If you ever need to talk to someone about anything, I'm here."

"Yeah, thanks." I said getting up.

"Everyone just left to go out. Wanna catch up to them?"

"Sure," We left the bus and met everyone at this diner right outside.

"This place is disgusting." Ingrid complained.

"They hear you saying that they are going to spit in your food." Shannon laughed.


"You brought that on yourself." I laughed. Our food came quickly after.

"Pete what the hell did you order?" Dan and Jon asked.

"At this point I do not know."

"That's gross." What was on Pete's plate was what you would get on a daily basis in your high school's cafeteria.

"You should ask." Ryan laughed.

Pete nodded and waved down our waitress.

"Yes sir?"

"Uh yeah, do you know what I ordered?" You could tell everyone was trying to contain their laughter.

"Yes sir. You got the meatloaf." She smiled and walked away.

"Pete. That. Is. Gross." Spencer said between laughs.

"I bet you ten bucks he won't eat it." I whispered in Brendon's ear.

"I bet you ten he will." Brendon whispered back.


"So what you gonna do Pete? Eat it or not?" I asked. There was no way I was going to lose this bet.

"I do not know." He looked so confused. It was so funny.

"I say don't."

"I say do." Brendon interjected. I glared at him before looking back at Pete.

"I don't think I would eat that, even if I blended it."

"Why on earth would you blend it?"

"Cause it's fun." Pete smiled.

"You're crazy."

"But you love me anyways." I laughed at his originality. "Ma'am. Can I please get something else?"
As Pete talked with the waitress to order something else, Brendon and I talked too.

"I win." I smiled triumphantly.

"Your point?"

"Where's my 10 dollars?"

"Ugh. Fine," He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a $10 bill. He handed it over to me, and I took it graciously.

"Thank you."

"Phft, right."

After the so-called dinner we all headed back to our respected buses except Andy, who decided to travel with us.
"I wanna watch a movie!" I yelled being the last one to get on the bus.

"Which movie?" Shannon asked.


"Let's watch The Notebook." Ingrid suggested.

"Gag. No. Lets watch The Lost Boys!"

"How typical Alexis. Let's watch a scary vampire movie!" Shannon nagged.

"Cool," Brendon said.

"Oh god, we have another one of them." Shannon complained some more.

"How about we lock her in a closet, and duct tape her mouth while we watch whatever movie we want to." I suggested, totally annoyed with her.

"Let's," Andy laughed. I joined him as we 'pretended' to go and get her so we could lock her in a closet. She backed away, ran to the bunks, shut and locked the door, and didn't come out. Little did she know, I don’t think there are closets on this bus.

"Perfect." I laughed.

We ended up watching 'The Lost Boys'. I ended up falling asleep on Brendon, who ended up sleeping on Andy, who ended up falling asleep IN the refrigerator. How that happened I will never know, but Andy wasn’t the last one to wake up.

"They look so cute together." Ingrid whispered with a lovey-dovey voice.

"We should take a picture." Ryan said going to the bunks.

"Where you going?" Spencer asked.

"To get his camera duh," Jon and Dan said together and laughed. Yeah, they usually said the same thing at the same time. A lot of people think they are brothers or something, even though they aren't. Yeah, so basically everyone was there watching whatever Ryan was doing.

"Got it," Ryan came in smiling. Next thing I know, I'm waking up to the flashes of Ryan's camera.


"The," Brendon said waking up.

"Hell?" I finished. I looked at Brendon to see that his arms were wrapped around my waist, mine wrapped around his neck. Once he noticed he let go immediately.

"Aww, the cute little couple is awake." Andy joked. Brendon blushed a deeper red than I had seen him yesterday. I brushed it off, not thinking anything of it. I got up, ignored everyone and went to my bunk. I was ready to catch up on my sleep, but all I could think of was how good it was to wake up and have Brendon's voice being the first thing I heard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow night, so I plan to start updating again after that.
I just watched Donnie Darko again. I watched it a long time ago, but then I saw it this weekend. I loved it so much I went and bought it.
