Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 14


(Shannon's Point of View)

I walked out the exit of the venue, and was instantly attacked by a mob of fans. I signed anything they had for me to sign, and headed back to the buses. I loved performing and everything. I just didn't know it would be so much work. I guess Jon and Alexis were right.


"Shannon! You'll never believe who just called with great news!" I heard Lexi screech from downstairs.


"Pete called. He wants to sign us! We're gonna be famous!"

"Oh my god," I almost fainted if it wasn't for Jon who was there to catch me.

"Jeez Shan." Jon laughed.

"We made it." I whispered under my breath.

"I'm gonna go call everyone else." Lexi said cheerfully as she left the room.

Once Lexi was gone and only Jon and I occupied the room he decided speak up.



"Are you sure you want to do this."

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you seriously not remember the talk we had a week ago? The talk your whole band had last week?"

"I do, but I don’t see your point."

"You were saying how you want to go to college, and how if you got signed your whole young adult life wouldn't be how you expected."

"I know, but things are different now. You should understand. You want to have what we're gonna have."

"I do, but it's different for me. I'm older than you by a few years. I've already got my two year degree."

"Are you gonna five Alexis the same talk." I said getting annoyed.


"And why not?"

"She knows what she's doing. You may not believe it, but she is far more mature than you are."

I sat there shocked he would say something. He always seemed to be on her side. He had to like her, but she knows I like him. She wouldn’t do anything with him. Would she?

"Whatever Jon," I got up and walked out of the room. I stood on the other side of the wall by the door.

I heard him faintly whisper, "I just don't want you to regret this all, and do something stupid."

Alexis came back and dragged me back into the room with everyone else who had arrived.

"Okay, I told them all the news over the phone because you know me I can't keep something this big from everyone. Now just one thing I want to get out." We all nodded our heads before she continued on, "I want to make sure you all want to do this. 'Cause once we are signed I don't want anyone leaving in the middle of tour or anything. Are you all sure you want to do this?"

"I'm in." Ingrid said cheerfully.

"Me too," Dan said.

I glared at Jon before saying, "Count me in."

(End Flashback)

I sat down on the couch and rubbed my temples. I can't and won't leave. Lexi needs me, the band needs me. I'm just going to have to suck it up. I was warned and now I have to deal with whatever comes my way. I heard Lexi squeal outside. I got up and looked out the bus's window. There was Lexi receiving a big hug from Brendon. They get along great. I chuckled at the thought of how they acted towards each other the first month they knew each other.

"Things sure have changed." I said thinking no one was on the bus.

"Yes they have." I heard Jon say behind me.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What did you mean by that?" I looked at Jon. He sure hasn't changed. He is still the same adorable, caring, funny guy I fell in love with years ago.

"You wouldn't know."

"What do you mean by that?"

"When Lexi first met Brendon he was a complete ass to her. They get along great now. It's actually pretty funny."

"I guess." I sighed and started walking to my bunk. "Not thinking of quitting are you."

Damn. He could read me like a book and I knew it.

"No, why would you think that?"

"You seem somewhat distant lately, like you have a lot of shit on your mind, a lot of things to figure out."

"I guess you're somewhat right, but don't say anything to Lexi." Jon nodded. "And do not say…I told you so."

Jon grinned, "Why would you think I would say that?"

"Because I know you," I also smiled and crashed onto my bunk. I was quickly asleep a few minutes later.