Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 16


I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. Walking over to the mirror I sung 'Fully Alive' by Flyleaf under my breath. I wiped the mirror so I could somewhat see myself as I started to brush my hair. Next I put my makeup on; Black eyeliner, small amount of black eye shadow for the best smoky eye look, and a little lip gloss.

I slightly opened the door to see if the coast was clear for me to go out. After coming to a conclusion that it was now or never I ran to my bunk to get the clothes I laid out. Once fully clothed I met everyone else outside.

"Didn't you already shower and put makeup on like two hours ago?" Ryan asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm a girl what do you expect?"

"True," Spencer laughed. A black car pulled up besides us with black tinted windows.

"Are we all ready?" I saw Pete's head emerge from inside the car.

"I hope so."

We all hopped into the car Pete conveniently got minutes before.

"Where are we going?"

"To some new club that just opened up called Revolution."


After about 20 minutes of driving we ended up in front of the entrance to Revolution. We all piled out and stood out in front.

"Are we gonna go in, or are we just gonna stand here?" I asked breaking the silence between us. I looked around and noticed a few people were missing. "Where are Ingrid and Shannon?"

"They didn't want to come."

"Who cares? They're the ones missing out."

We headed towards the front of the line and got in right away. Being famous sure has its ups. Pete and Panic! got recognized by a few people right away, as did Jon. I just stood off to the side until all the autographs had been signed.

"Don't worry doll. People will know who you are sooner or later." Pete said into my ear. I just nodded and went to go sit down in a booth. Everyone ordered drinks. Ryan, Spencer, Jon, and I ordered pop. Pete and Brendon ordered some alcoholic drink. How Brendon got it is beyond me.

"Don't get drunk Bren Bren."

"I don't plan on it."

"No one ever does." Brendon just laughed and put her arm around my shoulders. It felt weird at first, but I got used to the feeling. After awhile of sitting in the booth a catchy techno song started blaring through the speakers and I immediately got up to go dance.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To dance."

"Then I'll join you." Brendon smiled and walked with me to some random place on the dance floor. He kept his word and only drank one drink, and then just drank water. I started dancing madly. Or like the saying 'Dance like There's No Tomorrow'.

As the song ended another one came on, and I began dancing with Brendon. We grinded for awhile and once the song finally ended we were both out of breath.

"I'm gonna go get a drink. Want me to get you something?"

"Do you want me to come with?"

"No thanks I'm good."

"Okay. Then get me a Pepsi or something."

"Alrighty," I smiled and walked off towards the bar. When I got there a tall guy with short spiked blonde hair turned and looked me up and down.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I looked at him slightly startled.


"I remember now. You were the girl from my dreams last night. I guess dreams really are wishes your heart makes."

"Whatever," I pushed past him and ordered two Coke's.

"Why so cold?"

"Sorry, I don't take to players."

"I'll pay for those." He told the bartender and but a five dollar bill onto the bar. I turned to look at the booth where everyone else was occupied. I turned back around to grab the drinks and go.

"Here," He said handing me one of the two drinks.

"Uh, thanks." I took a sip from the glass, and grabbed the other one. I headed back to the table where Brendon was waiting for me.

"What took you so long?"

"Some asshole at the bar."

"See, you should have let me come."

"You can next time."

"Good," I gulped down the rest of my drink, and was ready to get up and get another one.
"Thirsty much?"

"Yeah, actually I really am." I saw a waitress pass by, and Brendon waved her down.

"Yes sir."

"Can I get water for this lovely lady right here?" I felt my cheeks get warm.

"No problem." She smiled and winked at Brendon.

"She totally wants to get in your pants." I laughed.

"No one is getting down these pants."

" say that now."

"I'm not into groupies."

"That’s a good thing."

"I hope so." I just laughed as I felt my mouth and throat getting dry. "Gah. I'm so thirsty."

"You just had a pop?"

"Yeah, where is that water? For a chick you wants to score she isn't a very good waitress."

"You're so mean." Pete laughed.

"Ah, shut it." We all laughed and finally the waitress came by with my water, plus a little note for Brendon. "Ooo, I told you she wants to get in your pants."

"She never had a chance." He smiled at me.

"Who does?"

"Someone," I raised my eyebrows and stared at him.

"Haven't you heard staring isn't nice."

"Who said I was nice."

"I thought you were." I laughed and gave Brendon a huge hug.

"And you still do, and I think you're nice too!" A girl came and stood in front of us.

"Like are you two like going out…like yeah?"

"Uh…like no."

"Sorry bitch, like I was like just asking."

"Fuck you."

"Wanna mess with me?"

"Not really. You're not worth my time." She pounced on me. That preppy snobby bitch pounced on me like a cat, and that is how a little fight broke out.
She clawed at my face as I more effectively aimed for her stomach.
The next thing I knew I was in the arms of Brendon.

"Lexi are you crazy?!"

"She attacked me first." I said starting to feel faint, and sick to my stomach.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Brendon let me go and I tried to walk back to the table.

"You can't even walk."

"I'm fine." Brendon grabbed me again, and brought me to the table.