Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 17


(Brendon's Point of View)

I brought her back to the table, and watched her closely. Something wasn't right, she was acting really weird.
I looked her in the eyes and she stared back.



"You're so adorable when you're worried."

"I'm not worried." Wait a minute…did she just say I was adorable?

"You're too cute." She leaned in, and I did something I would forever regret. I turned my head.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong with me." She just looked at me completely confused.

"Let's go back to the buses." I said as I ran her symptoms through my head.
"You stay here, and I'll go gather up the rest of the guys."

I walked away leaving her at the table. I had a bad feeling deep down in my gut. I spotted all the guys at the bar.

"Guys we have to leave."

"Why?" Ryan asked holding his drink.

"Something's not right with Lex."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know yet."

"How much has she drunk tonight?" Pete asked thinking of a possibility that was already ruled out.

"She had a Pepsi, and water. That's it." We walked back to the table.

"Get off me." I heard Lexi's voice plead.

"Oh sweetie, the drugs should have kicked in by now."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled at the guy on top of Lexi. I pulled him off her and looked at the guy.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Her fucking boyfriend, so I think you should leave her alone asshole. Oh and here's a tip. You want a girl get to know her and don't drug her." I pushed past the guy and grabbed Lexi holding her bridal style. She passed out only a few seconds after I held her. I quickly walked out of the club the guys following behind. Our car was still outside like we had left it. Once we were back at our tour buses we got on and I brought Lexi to her bunk.


"Are you awake."

"Yeah, or else I wouldn’t be talking duh." She said her voice raspy.

"Are you okay? Do you want something to drink?"

"Yeah, could you get me some water." I nodded and left.

"Is she okay?" Ingrid asked concerned.

"Yeah she's fine." I grabbed a bottle of water and walked back to the where Lexi was.
"Here you go."

I went to leave but was stopped by Lexi's voice.


"What happened?"

"Some asshole gave you Ecstasy at the club." She just looked at me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Can you stay here with me?" I looked at her, and smiled.

"Of course."

I walked over to her bed and laid down next to her.

"'Night Bren."

"Goodnight Lexi." I said and kissed her forehead.