Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 18


My head was throbbing. My stomach was turning, and I knew I would get sick soon. I was really cold. I felt a warm pair of arms around me. Curious, I opened my eyes and saw a sleeping Brendon in front of me. I stared at his peaceful face, forgetting everything that hurt.

Do it.
You know you want to.
He doesn't even like me.
Then why would he be here?
He's just being nice.
Keep telling yourself that darling.

I let out a small soundless sigh. I laid my head back down against his chest. I felt his grip tighten around me as I did so. Have you ever wished you could be with someone so bad that it hurt? How about even being next to the person makes you want to cry because you aren't their girl? That's exactly how I felt. I tried to let sleep overcome me once again, but found it very difficult. It was hard to move with Brendon's arms wrapped protectively around me. I felt his grip around me loosen, and his breathing change. His eyes fluttered open and met mine.

"How are you feeling?" He asked concerned.

"Sick," He frowned, took one hand and placed it on my forehead.

"Are you cold?"


"Cause you're shivering."

"I am?" I looked and noticed I was indeed shaking. Brendon moved to let me go.
"No, you're warm." I said moving closer to him. He let out a small laugh, and wrapped his arms around me once again.

"You should take a shower. A hot one, it'll make you warmer."

"I warm now though." He rubbed my back.

"What if I have to get up?"

"You're not allowed too."

"We don't have a show today."

"I know. And you owe me a movie."

"Says who?"

"We were supposed to watch a movie last night."

"Oh yeah," He said as he remembered.

"What happened last night? At the club."

"Some asshole put drugs in your drink."

"Are you serious?"


"Ugh. No wonder I feel so sick."

"Good thing we left when we did."


"Cause the guy who gave it to you was trying to force himself on you, and you passed out before we even left."

"Oh," I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say.

"You're okay, and that's all the matters."

"Yeah, I guess." Brendon leaned in and kissed my forehead. If only it was more than that.


"Can you let me go? I need to go to the bathroom."

"Maybe, I mean, if I had to go you wouldn't let me go."

"I would if you asked."

"Sure you would." He let me go, and I got off my bed. I was overcome by dizziness. I regained my balance.
"You okay?"

"Just dizzy."

"Are you going to make it to the bathroom in once piece?"

"Hopefully," I winked.

"That isn’t too reassuring." He got up and helped me to the bathroom.

"Well thank you Mr. Urie."

"No problem Miss Adams." I laughed and walked into the bathroom closing the door.

Stepping into the steaming shower relaxed my nerves. I felt myself cool down, but my stomach still twisted. I cleaned myself over and over again feeling dirty from last night. After being satisfied with my cleanliness I got out of the shower and got dressed.

Feeling my stomach bubble I knew what was coming next.