Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 2

I woke up to ringing, the loud ringing of my phone. I rolled over to take my phone out of my back pocket.


"Alexis? Hey it's me Pete. I just got your message. Where are you? What's wrong?" Pete rushed.

"You ass, that message was from last night. I see you finally decided to check your phone." I heard groans coming from the bed next to Ryan's and mine.


"Whatever, it's fine. What time is it?"

"Like ten thirty."

"Will you shut up and be quiet, seriously! I'm trying to sleep."

"Buzz off."

"Is that Brendon?"

"The one and only," I sighed into the phone.

"What's he bitching about?"

"Talking to loud."

"What a baby. Anyways, meet everyone down in the lobby at noon."

"Alrighty," I said and hung up the phone. I turned and looked at Brendon's motionless body. I then looked at Ryan who was sleeping next to me. The memories from what had happened last night fresh in my memory. Ryan was the nice one. Brendon and the others still had to prove themselves. How I'm going to survive on this tour is beyond me.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Boy, was I in a desperate need for a shower, spending hours in a sweaty, dirty airport sucks. I pulled the shower handle out and turned it to my desired temperature. I undressed and got into the shower, letting the hot water cascade down my body. After a good 40 minutes I got out of the shower and got dressed. When I exited the bathroom Brendon was standing by the door, obviously waiting for me to get out.

"What took you so long?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't." He snarled.

"Then why ask?"

"'Cause I wanted to take a shower."

"Well now you can." I finished and walked back towards the bed. Ryan's sleeping body was still occupying the bed. I laughed and then checked my phone. 3 missed calls. I flipped open my phone to see who had called. 2 from Pete and 1 from Dan.

"No voicemail? That's too bad; guess I won't call back then." I hate when people don't leave a message. How do I know it's important to call back then? I smirked to myself and went to put my stuff back into my bag. I sat on the ground and looked at Ryan. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I looked at the clock, which read 11:30. We had to get going soon. I sat on the bed and softly shook Ryan.

"Hmm?" He groaned slightly.

"Time to wake up, we're meeting everyone down in the lobby in 30 minutes." Hesitantly Ryan opened his eyes and slowly sat up.

"I'm tired." He yawned.

"Aren't we all?" I laughed.

"Where's Bren?"


"I see. Did he yell at you earlier or was I dreaming?"

"Yeah, when I was on the phone."

"God," Ryan sighed, "Sorry about him. I don't know why he's being such an ass."

"It's fine don't worry about it. I have one question though."


"Why would you be dreaming of him yelling at me? That's a little odd."

Ryan laughed and grinned, "Uhh, no reason."

"Tell me," I poked his side, making him blush. Why was he blushing?

"Never!" He got up and ran out of the hotel room. I sat there for a second processing what he just did. Then I did what any girl would do. I ran after him. I didn't even make it past the bathroom door since Mr. Ass had to come out, and I had to accidentally bump into him.

"Watch it!" He almost yelled.

"S-sorry," I stuttered and got up continuing what I was originally doing, chasing Ryan. I ran out the door only to run into Spencer.
"Oh god, I'm sorry." I said.

"Uh, yeah fine." He looked at me for a split second and walked into the room. I turned around and of course ran into Brent.


"Watch where you're going bitch," He sneered and walked into the room. My mouth hung open in shock. Yeah, I feel very welcomed right now. I must have been standing there for a while because Ryan came up from behind me scaring the crap out of me.

"Ah! Sorry."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I checked my phone and saw it was 11:55. "We have to be down at the lobby in five minutes." I walked back into the room to get my shoes and then headed down to the lobby.