Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 22


(Alexis's Point of View)

I walked off the bus with fresh tears streaming down my face. Of all people why did I have to fall for a guy I was on tour with? Plus I was sharing a bus with him! Could things get any worse? Of course, but let's not get into that. I walked around the buses. At first I thought of going to Fall Out Boy's bus, but decided against it.

"I should have brought my iPod." I said to myself. I continued to walk aimlessly around the venue. I knew it wasn't a great idea. I remember Brendon telling me how we were in a dangerous part of town. Brendon. The guy who could say one thing, but turn a 180 at you. I hated it, but loved him. There was a bench behind the venue. Feeling slightly tired I decided to rest a bit.

Gathering my thoughts I came to the conclusion:

1. Brendon is a complete idiot.
2. Brendon's lips are too big.
3. Brendon isn't very photogenic.
4. Brendon Boyd Urie. Enough said.
5. Everything above is false, and I'm a hopeless fool.

I sighed and got up. Stretching for a moment, then headed off towards my bus. That is until I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and pull me back. I turned to look at the person. I couldn't see his face, but I didn't like my gut feeling that continued to tell me to run.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?"

He grabbed me, and brought me back to the bench I recently was at.

"Don't worry sweetie it won't hurt." He laughed; an evil inhuman laugh.

I tried to scream, but found it difficult with the man's hand over my mouth. The fear of my past flashed through my head. The tears that I had controlled had now started to form. I felt nothing, but defenseless.

As the man started playing with the buttons to my pants, I tried squirming out of it, but it only made his grip on me tighter. As my pants were ripped down I continued trying to scream. To get anyone's attention that could be possible near. The man himself now was only him his boxers. He continued to work on my clothing. As I felt my underwear slowly come off the pressure of the man on top of me disappeared. I quickly pulled my underwear up, and saw a rage filled Ryan beating the life out of the man. Once the man was unconscious on the ground Ryan came to my side.

"Lex. Are you okay, did he do anything?" He seemed to be inspecting my body. I was in too much shock to speak. "Say something. Are you okay? You're scaring me."

"Ryan," Was all I could say before I completely broke down.

"Shh. It's okay." He rubbed my back comfortably.


"Yeah," He asked.

"Thanks," Was all I could say until I passed out.