Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 23


(Ryan's Point of View)

She quickly fell asleep in my arms. I looked back at the asshole that forced him onto her. I picked her up, and brought her back to the bus. Everyone was asleep so I laid her on the couch, and went to go get her pajamas, blankets, and pillows.

Once she was nice and comfy on the couch it was around four o'clock. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there for a while. I had nothing better to do, but I did want to vent out my frustration with Brendon to someone. I got up, and walked off the bus. I headed to the only bus I knew would help me.

I knocked loudly on the door waiting for a certain person inside it to answer. Minutes later a much disheveled Pete opened the door in only a pair of boxers.

"Wha?" He said still half asleep.

"We need to talk." I said so serious the most serious person in the world would know I was being serious. Yes I said it. I wasn't happy. He nodded and shut the door. Minutes later he was fully clothed, and standing in front of me.

"What's up?" He asked more lively.

"Brendon," I said plain and simple.

"You know," started but then paused. "Your band is really killing me." He said laughing somewhat.
"Anyways, what did Brendon do?"

"He's back with Audrey."



"What about Lex?"

"I asked him the same thing. He said he didn’t know."

"God, he is such an idiot."

"Tell me about it Pete."

"I think you should just get a new band." There was a slight silence.
"Just kidding, dude I love your band."

We both laughed, until we heard the shutting of one of the doors to the buses. We turned to see a very amused Lexi talking on her cell.

"She seriously needs to get a sidekick." Pete laughed at her old flip phone. She spotted us, and quickly walked to us.

"Who's that?" Pete whispered. Lexi put one finger to her lips signaling us to be quiet.

"Yeah, that sounds great." There was more silence. "Really, that's sweet. We go on around 5ish. Yeah, okay see you soon."

She hung up the phone, and let out a small laugh.

"Who was that?" Pete asked once again.

"You'll never guess. It was Brent."

"What?" I somewhat yelled surprised.

"I guess he wants to come and apologize or something."


"I guess, but I'm really tired."

"I'll walk you back." I said secretly wanting to talk to her alone.

"Okay, see you later Pete."

"Bye Lex, Bye Ryan."

"Bye," I said.

We started walking back to the bus, but slowly. I was slightly afraid to start a conversation wondering where it would turn out.

"So…are you okay?" I asked a little bluntly.

"I'm fine thanks to you. If you didn't find me," She paused, "Who knows what would have happened."

"Well let's not think about that." I said putting an arm around her shoulders. She stopped walking and turned to face me. Unsure of what she was going to do I started to ask her something, but she interrupted me by wrapping her arms around me bringing me into a tight hug. I was unsure of what to do, but then wrapped my arms around her.
"Are you still tired?"

"Not really," She said letting out a small laugh.

"I'm not either." I said scrunching my nose.

"You're too cute when you do that."

"Cute?" I said with fake disgust.

"You know it." She is adorable.

We walked onto the bus, and I quietly shut the door behind me. I turned back to see her lying on the couch with the blanket I had given her.

"Lay with me Ryan. Please."

"How could I refuse?" I said my cheeks turning slightly red. I laid down next to her on the couch. How it was possible I have no idea, but we did it.
"Get some sleep." I whispered in her ear.

"You too," I kissed the side of her head as she rested her head against my chest.

I woke up later to see Brendon all dolled up for his whore of a girlfriend. I unwrapped my arms from Lexi, and got up.

"Wow, you are so pretty."

"Shut up man."

"You really think it's going to work out with Audrey?"

"I'm hoping."

"Alright, just don't be mopey if she leaves you again."

"Why do you think us going out won't work?"

"It didn't work the first time."


"Never mind," Thick skulled dimwit. I noticed Lexi started stirring on the couch.

"Ryan?" She said.


"Oh, I thought you left."

"Where else could I go on a bus?"

"I don't know." She laughed.

"Can I talk to you outside?" I asked her.

"Uh sure," She got up and stretched before putting on her shoes. Once we were outside I looked her in the eyes and sighed.

"What’s wrong?"

"I want to ask you something."


"I was wondering if…" I took in a deep breath. "Wanted to try being a couple again?"