Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 25

I sat at the table patiently waiting for Ryan to get out of the shower so I wasn't alone on the bus. Everyone else decided to chill on Fall Out Boy's bus. So I was alone. Ryan emerged from the bathroom and boy did he look…hot.

"Hey." I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck bringing myself in for a sweet enchanting kiss.

"Hey to you too," He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Is Brendon back yet?"

"No idea. Everyone is on Pete's bus."

"Wanna go over there?"

"Sure," We removed our arms from each other and he grasped my hand.

Our finger's intertwined as we walked to the other bus. A car pulled up in front of us and Brendon got out, ran to the passenger's side, and opened the door. A pink haired chick climbed out. She looked absolutely fake.

"Oh wow," I said under my breath. Ryan tightened his grip getting my attention.

"That's Audrey. Last time I saw her though her hair was like white."

"What does she do?"

"She's a hairdresser, and she's doing some modeling thing with another model called Trashy Life."

"Wow, you know so much."

"Well she tells anyone she knows about it."

"Attention whore?"

"I guess you could say that."

Brendon looked at us and then shouted, "Lex come here."

I looked at Ryan and he just shrugged. Hand in hand we walked to the car.


"This is Audrey." He said pointing at the chick. She completely ignored me and continued typing away on her Sidekick.

"AUDREY," She snapped her head up. "This is Lexi."

She looked at me. "Hey," She said going back to her Sidekick.

"Who are you talking to?" Brendon asked annoyed.

"Zui. She's the girl I'm doing the Trashy Life thing with." Brendon nodded his head. "Oh my god."

"What now?"

"Zui's pregnant!"

"That's cool." I commented. She looked at me like I was mentally challenged.

"No it's not. Now we can't model, and Trashy Life is over."

"Oh, okay," I said looking down embarrassed. Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, and rested his head on my shoulder. I turned my head and looked at him. He kissed me lightly. I smiled breaking the kiss and a small giggle left my lips.

"Come on," Ryan said lifting me up.

"Ryan!" I squealed.


"Don't drop me." He walked to the door of Fall Out Boy's bus, and my feet firmly touched the ground.

"Do you honestly think I would drop you?"


"Good," He opened the door to reveal everyone sitting around a huge widescreen TV.

"Hey everyone," I said drawing Pete, Jon, and Shannon's attention.

"What's up guys?"

"Nothing, which is why we came over here," Ryan slowly said.

"Fun," Shannon said looking back at the TV. I looked at Ryan unsure of what to do.

"Do you wanna just chill outside?"


We walked back outside, walking aimlessly to pass the time.

"You know Lexi."

"Know what?"

"I never stopped liking you."

"I figured." He let out a small laugh.
"But to tell you the truth, I never stopped either. There was always something about you Mr. Ross."

"What do you think is up with Brent coming?"

"No idea. I bet he is poor and trying to get back in the band or something."

"No way is he coming back. I like Jon way better than Brent."

"That's good because Jon is like my best friend."

"No need to worry." He grabbed my hands and our fingers laced. He pecked my lips lightly. Once we parted I smiled brightly never wanting him to leave. I felt as if I needed him.

"Ryan! Lexi!" We heard Pete yell. We turned around to see him walking off his bus. "Come here puh-lease."

"What's up?"

"Why is there a pink-haired monster sitting in my bus?"

"I told you Bren got back with her."

"Why am I the one suffering?"

"I think we are all suffering." I softly said laughing.

"Ready for the show today?" Pete asked changing the subject.

"I very much am."


I sat backstage waiting for my signal to go on stage. With the wave of his hand I ran on stage full of energy and excitement.

"How are you all doing today?" I screamed into the mike.
"I said how are you all doing?"

We played a few songs, and I decided to make a little speech to vent my annoyance with Brendon.

"You all know what annoys me the most. Shitty ass guys who hook up with skanky ass pink haired freaks. Now I'm not saying you can't dye your hair something funky but seriously don't be a bitch to the girl standing next to you 'cause she doesn't puke after every meal. Don't try to fit in, and defiantly don't change your image to bang some guy in a band. If they don't like you it's their own loss."

"Woo go Lex!" I heard Dan yell and signal the beginning to our next song.

I walked off the stage at the end of our set and was hugged from behind by no one other than Pete Wentz.

"Oh my god you are my hero!"

"Uh thanks."

"Not to mention I filmed it, and I'm so putting it on YouTube."

"You do that Pete." I laughed. Ryan was the next one to come up and engulf me in a bone shattering hug. For such a skinny guy he sure is strong.

"I cannot believe you did that."

"I don't either, but it felt right to vent my annoyance." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "I'm pretty sure the two hate me now."

"Actually Brendon didn't look too mad. It was probably Audrey who threw a shit fit about it."


"Panic you're on in 5." Another tech guy said. Brendon walked backstage and looked at us.

"Nice speech," he said.

"Thanks?" I said unsure of what was to come.

"You're still performing with us right?" He asked anticipating my answer.

"You still want me too?" I asked seriously surprised.

"Of course," He said wrapping his arm around my shoulders smiling.


"You're on in 5, 4, 3," Brendon removed his arm around me and winked. "2," Ryan pecked my lips quickly, "Go!."

I stood there confused with mix feelings running through my head.

"Ooo," Ingrid and Jon said.


"Strung between Brendon and Ryan."

"No," I said. "I'm with Ryan."

"That doesn't mean you don't like Brendon."

"I like Ryan."

"Don't try to deny it. You're gonna have to face the truth sooner or later."

"I'll choose the latter option." They just laughed, and walked their separate ways.

"I was handed a microphone and shooed to the side of the stage." I wanted for Brendon to introduce me.

"Here's the girl who made her little spiel today. Can't help but love her for it."

"Why thank you Brendon." I laughed into the mic.

"How about we sing something different?" I froze in my spot. "Don't worry you know the song."

"You scared me for a second Bren." I laughed. I heard Spencer start drumming to a song that sounded like…Hit Me Baby One More Time? Oh wow.

"Oh Lexi baby, how was I supposed to know? That something wasn't right here. Oh baby, baby I shouldn't of let you go, and now your outta site yeah."

"Show me how you want it to be." I sung.

"Tell me baby, 'cause I need to know now, oh because. My loneliness is killing me, and I must confess I still believe."

"When I'm not with you I lose my mind"

"Give me a sign; hit me baby one more time!"

We continued singing, and I actually got the hang of the new song. I moved around the stage, and reached out to the crowd at random times.

"Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know."

"Oh Brendon baby, I shouldn't have let you go. I must confess with my loneliness is killing me now. Don't you know I still believe that you will be here?" He walked closer to me, and put a stray chunk of hair behind my ear.

"And give me a sign."

"Hit me baby one more time." We sung in unison. We finished the song in unison, and I quickly ran off stage.

Shannon looked at me disapprovingly.


"I would not blame Ryan if he was seriously pissed off with you right now"

"What are you talking about?"

"You were so flirting with Brendon throughout that whole song!"

"I was not. We were performing some song, and I was going with it. He's the one who changed it up on me!"

"You are so naive."

"Whatever Shannon," I said ready to walk away.

"Don't whatever me! When your heart is shattered into a million pieces because you can't make up your goddamn mind don't come looking for my support. I warned you."

"Why do you always think I'm going to fail in every relationship I have?"

"'Cause you always do. You are the reason everyone leaves." I felt my eyes sting as what I thought was the truth spilled out in front of me.

"Fuck you Shannon." I yelled running from the stage, and back to my bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little side note. I in no way think of Miss Audrey Kitching this way. I love that girl to death, but this is the way the character feels towards her cause it makes good drama, and because I'm the author so I can do whatever I want.

