Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 27

(Alexis's Point of View)

Did he really just say that? I felt butterflies consume my stomach. My breath caught in my throat for a quick second.

"I love you too Ryan." I said truthfully. He smiled and pecked my lips lightly.

"Let's get back on the bus."

"What are we gonna do on there?"

"Have fun," He whispered.

"Oh wow Ryan."

"Not like that. It's called video games." He laughed. I play punched him, "Unless you want to."

"Oh shut it." I got up, and tried pulling Ryan up too. "Get up!"

He pulled me down, and I landed on top of him.

"This isn't funny." I pouted.

"It's fun though."

"I thought we were playing video games." He instantly got up, and pulled me up with him.

"Let's go!"

We got up and headed to the bus. I hope we get our own bus soon. Not that I don't love being with Ryan basically 24/7 or anything, but I'm kind of tired of clothes and random objects on the floor.

"What game?" Ryan asked pulling out the Playstation 2. I laughed inside thinking about how he is such a kid.

"Erm, Crash Team Racing," I said pointing to the box on top of the DVD player.

"Alright," He grabbed the case, and put the game in. We started it up and Ryan chose to be the alligator thing. I chose to be the Tiger.
"Ready to die?"

"You would kill a poor innocent tiger?"

"I don't think that tiger is so innocent." He said grinning. I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. We played for awhile, but were interrupted by loud voices coming from outside the bus.

"Back already?" I asked sarcastically to no one in particular.

"Let's go see what's up." He offered me his hand which I accepted. We walked off the bus.
"How come we weren't invited to this orgy?"

"Ryan!" I laughed. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We're just figuring out something to do." Brendon said. Stupid Brendon. I noticed Audrey still typing away on that damn sidekick.

"I have an idea." Pete piped up.


"Phone shopping! We have to hook you up with a sidekick."

"I like my phone though." I said taking my duct tape covered phone out of my pocket.

"That's pretty ghetto." Brendon said.

"Shut up you jerk."

"Come on let's go!" Pete grabbed my wrist and drug me to the rental car. He started it up and took off.

"What about everyone else?" I asked looking at them getting smaller and smaller.

"Ehh, just you and me."

"Ha ha okay." I turned on the radio, but kept it quiet.

"What do you think about Miss Kitching?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Well I don’t know her well."

"Stop being nice, you hate her." He laughed.

"Okay sure," He looked at me and smiled.

"You're you Lex." And that was it. That's all he said. He loves to confuse people. Dammit Pete. We arrived at the local mall, and headed inside. Luckily for Pete there was a T-mobile right by the entrance. We walked inside and got help instantly.

"Yeah the sidekick 3."

"Okay sir." Pete turned to me.

"Jeez he makes me feel old."

"You are old, you're 26 years old."

"I like to think of 26 years young, and be nice who is getting you your phone again?"

"I never said I wanted it." I joked.

"That's true." As we laughed the guy came back with the phone and paperwork to be filled out.
We left the store with my sidekick in hand.
"Do you love it or what?"

"It is actually pretty sweet." I said completely fascinated with the device in my hand. We passed a Starbucks, and stopped for some coffee. Pete got a boring Carmel Frappuccio, and I got an amazing Java Chip Frappuccio. We then passed a store with a bunch of art supplies and writing material.

"Perfect," I said and took a sharp turn into the store. I went straight to the fancy notebook journals.

"What are we doing in here?" I ignored him and picked up a wicked sweet journal. It was an olive green and it was fabric. We walked to the register and I paid for it.
"Will you answer me?"

"Wanted something to write lyrics in."

"Oh sweet." We finished up at the mall, grabbed some taco bell, and headed back to the buses. We got out, and I ran to where everyone else was.

"Hola chicos," I said bubbly.

"Hola senorita," Ryan said and pecked my lips.
"Where'd you guys go?"

"The mall, check out my new phone!" I pulled it out and handed it to Ryan.

"We have matching phones!" He said pulling his out.

"That is until I bling mine out." I said taking my phone back.
"Where is everyone?"

"Bren and Audrey are on the bus. So the rest of us are out here."

"Wonderful," I said feeling my mood sink.

"Sorry, she controls him. Nothing we can do."

"You don't have to be sorry. He's the dumbass."

"We have to get going…" Pete said from behind us in a singsong voice.

"I'm not going on the bus." I said right before our bus's door crashed open. Brendon walked off the bus in jeans, no shirt, and was drying his hair with a towel. He removed the towel from his head, and instantly found us. He smiled and quickly ran to us.

"Let me see your phone!" I handed it to him and he messed around with it.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," He gave it back and nothing seemed to be different. That I can tell at least. I don’t know about half the crap on the phone.

"Alright," I said looking at my phone.

"Do you have a screen name?"


"May we have it puh-lease?" Ryan asked.

"Erm," I said unsure. I would rather have them not make fun of me.

"Pretty please? Brendon begged with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, it’s," they both opened their phones.
"Are you ready?" They both nodded their heads. "PanicWithMissLex."

"Aw how cute." Brendon said, closed his phone, and tried pinching my cheek.

"Stop it," I waved my hand trying to hit his away.

"Are we all ready to go?" Pete yelled from inside his bus. We nodded and head to our bus.
As I went to get on I heard someone yell my name.

"Alexis!" I turned to see the ex-member of Panic! At The Disco walk torwards me.

"Hey Brent."