Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 30

We had started already moving again, and I felt relieved that there was no one around to nag me.

"So Lexi."

"So Andy."

"How's it going? It feels like you've never stalked us."

"Ha ha ha."

"Stalk us?" Joe asked.

"That's right; you were out of town when we met little Alexis."

"I'm not little." I commented.

"What happened?"

"Well where do we start?"

"I had the hugest crush on Pete."

"Like a fan crush? You're a little teenie bopper!"

"No," I said as Pete laughed and smiled at me.

"I never knew you had the hugest crush on me."

"Shut up," I said hitting him softly.

"Anyways, I guess she found out where Pat's apartment was."

"I was shopping and saw him in the store."

"So she followed me home."

"Stalker," Andy joked.

"That's what happens when you're famous."

"But she didn't like knock or anything at first."

"I would come back every day and make sure that is where he lived."

"Then I went to Pat's one day, and I saw her in the bushes." Pete chimed in.

"That was so embarrassing."

"And I went up to her, and asked what was wrong or if there was anything wrong."

"And I was like, erm no nothing is wrong."

"And she instantly turned red. It was too cute."

"I got up to like run away, but Pete stopped me."

"I invited her to come up stairs. She looked hesitate at first, but actually said yes."

"We had so much fun." I smiled.

"So we exchanged numbers."

"And he wouldn't stop calling me."

"And she wouldn't stop texting me."

"I hadn't even heard her sing until like three months after we met, and then when I did she told me she was in a band."

"So he came to like all the practices, and listened to all our demo CDs."

"And that's when I wanted to sign them, and take them on this tour."

"Wow, what a nice story."

"You betcha," Pat said is a faux Canadian accent.

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Bored of us already?" Pete asked.

"No, I'm hungry."

"We do have food." Andy said.

"That's true, but is it good?"

"Why would we eat bad food?" Pete asked.

"You never know Pete."

"You know how pointless this conversation is." Joe yawned.

"Whatever," Pete said. "Come with me Lex."

Pete pulled me up and we went to their bunks. Which by the way were bigger than ours.

"You guys have bigger everything!" Pete looked at me amused. "Not like that you sick-o."

"Wow Lex, get your mind out of the gutter."

"Shut up. Now what did you bring me back here for."

"Are you staying on our bus tonight?"

"If it's okay with you."

"Fine with me, you can sleep on my bunk tonight."

"Where are you going to sleep?"

"Couch or something."


"Guy's we're here. Come on we're gonna go scope the area." We heard Pat yell.

"We're coming." Pete said. He looked at me and smiled. "Come on."

We got off the bus and met up with Brendon, Ryan, Audrey, Dan, and Jon.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Wanted to stay on the bus." Ryan said not looking at me.

"Let's go to the club down the street." Brendon said.