Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 33

I woke up in a position you wouldn't want your boyfriend to find you in. Luckily Ryan wasn't around. Let's just say somehow I ended up on top of Brendon. How? Don't ask me. I looked at Brendon's sleeping face. I rested my head on his chest. Can you say idiot? I lifted my head, and Brendon opened his eyes slowly.



"Why are you on top of me?"


"'Cause I prefer that position," He winked.

"Goodness," I said and rolled off him.

"What time is it?"

'I don't know."

"I'm surprised Audrey hasn't stormed over here." He said looking up. I probably shouldn't have asked, but his little thing with Audrey was bugging me.

"Why do you keep talking about her? I mean…you know."

"Because she's my girlfriend," He said actually quite rudely.

"Chill Brendon," I said and climbed over him. Then without another word I left the bunks.

"Hey Pete."

"What's wrong?"

"Does it look like something is wrong?"

"Yeah, kind of."

"Brendon got all spazzy when I asked him a question."

"Was it about Audrey?"

"Guess I shouldn't talk about her then?"

"Not to him, he knows she's shit. He just doesn't want to do anything about it."

"I want to get a dog." I stated randomly getting some coffee.

"Why?" Pete laughed.

"'Cause no matter what I do it'll still love me."

"Aw, how sweet."

"Let's not make fun of me," I joked.

"Sorry doll," I decided then to sit next to him. The door to the bus flew open and the pink haired bitch walked on.

"What the hell?" She screamed.


"Don't tell me what to do. You're jealous of my fame!"

"That you stole."

"You're jealous of my looks too."

"You wish, at least my hair is real. Yours is from a Barbie doll." I yelled getting up. I walked off the bus trying to avoid the fight. I looked around and saw people on the other side of a wire fence. One of the girls looked my way her eyes widened, and she screamed. The rest of the people turned too. I heard my name being called from the crowd.

"Audrey no!" I heard Brendon yell.
"Come back!"

I turned around to see Audrey walking off the bus towards me.

"Why won't she just stop?" I questioned under my breath.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"I'm not the person who has one."

"News flash you do."

"A, news flash," I said in a squeaky voice.
"No I don't."

"Get her Alexis, you can do it!" We heard someone yell from the crowd.

"Shut the fuck up." She yelled to the group of people.

"Don't yell at them." I yelled at her.

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!" I screamed.

"You shouldn't scream, you'll ruin your pretty voice, but I'm sure you do enough screaming in bed." She smirked. Just walk away.
"Scared of getting the shit kicked out of you?" She taunted.

"I think you should be the one who is afraid." I walked towards her. She was slightly hesitant. Chicken shit.
"Scared?" I pretended as if I was going to jump her. She backed away scared.
"All talk." I said walking to Panic's bus. When I had thought she quit, she pulled my back by my hair.
"Bitch," I screamed.

I turned around and kicked her in the shin. I noticed Brendon walk off the bus. Well more like run, as did Pete and Ryan. Well Spencer, Jon, Dan, and Pat ran off their buses too. She jumped towards me, and I pushed her back.

"Lex stop it!" Ryan yelled.

"Me? She freaking started it!" I yelled turning to him, which was a big mistake on my part.

She kicked me in the back of the leg. I fell to my knees, but got up and punched her. Who knew she would punch me back, but in the eye.

"Ow," Then she hit me again. I grabbed her fake hair and ripped a chunk out.
"Who does your hair? You should so get your money back."

She smacked my face again. I was fed up now. I kicked her in the stomach, and she went down. I felt two pairs of arms grab me. One being Ryan the other Pete.

"Lex come on," Pete said. He pulled me away from Ryan and took me back to his bus. He looked at Ryan and shot him a dirty look. We got on the bus, Pete grabbed a frozen burrito and tossed it to me.

"My face hurts."

"You got a fat lip and a black eye."

"Shit," I collapsed in a chair. Pete looked outside.

"Brendon says he's sorry."

"What are you talking about?"

"We were talking, and he says he's sorry for snapping at you. He says he shouldn't be talking about her so much, especially to you. He likes you a lot."

"Likes me how?" I questioned. Pete's eyes widened slightly.

"As a friend…you know." Sure Pete.

"Yeah," I got up.

"Where are you going?" I walked behind him and put my hand in his back pocket.
"What are you doing?"

"Stealing your sharpie, do I look like shit?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah."

"Perfect," I walked off the bus and to the crowd of people.
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