Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 38

(Alexis's Point of View)

It is the end of July. How about I catch you up on things? Ryan and I are still together, and so are Audrey and Brendon. He looks miserable though. Everyone is stll on Panic's bus, except me. I can't find myself to leave Fall Out Boy's bus. The VMA's are coming up. The better news is the Leads and Reading festival is coming up sooner. This is going to be my first time out of the country, and I'm nothing but excited.

"Oh my gosh Lex," Pete said in a nasal girly tone. He was currently staring at his laptop.

"Oh my gosh Pete, what?" I mimicked.

"Word is going around that there is a bun in the oven."

"Fer serious?"

"Aw, my little musician is growing up." He said showing me his laptop. I read the name of the celebrity gossip page.

"Interesting," I said as I skimmed the article.

"Have you thought of dying your hair?"


"Why not?"

"I don't know, I like my hair as it is."

"Come on, we could get Audrey to do it."

"Hell no," We both started laughing as our bus came to a stop.
"Come on," I said getting up and walking off the bus. "Oh the fresh air!"

"It's gonna rain." Brendon said joining me. "You better get back inside before you melt."

"I'm not sugar."

"You're sweet as it though."

"Aww," I said sarcastically walking away.

"Are you excited?"

"For what?"

"Your album drops in a few weeks."

"Oh yeah, how about that?" I smiled and turned to Brendon.

"Is there anything wrong?"


"When are you gonna come back?"

"On your bus?"


"I don't know."

"We miss you."

"Come on let's walk over here." I took Brendon's hand and walked over to a secluded area.

"Lex," Brendon spoke. A strike of lighting flew through the sky, and a crack of thunder drowned anything he may have said. I looked up in the sky in amazement. I put my hood over my head.
"Alexis," He said again grabbing my hands.

"Shh, Brendon," I felt rain starting to fall against my skin.
"Live in the moment." I said and put my palm against his. I looked at his face, and a small smile played on his lips. It started raining harder, and the lighting and thunder became more frequent. I grabbed his hand and said, "Let's go back."

"Lex wait," I turned and looked at him.


"I have to talk to you."

"About what?" By the look on his face I knew it was important.

"Alexis! Brendon!" We heard Pete yell for us. I looked behind us, and back at Brendon.

"Come on, let's go." He said and we ran back to the bus.

"What's up Pete?" I asked running to him. He was under a big black umbrella.

"We have to finish your CD."

"I thought it was done."

"The album art isn't."


"Someone is sending us a photographer."

"From where?" Brendon asked.

"It’s a freelance photographer." A dark car pulled up, and a slim bleach blonde haired girl stepped out.

"Pete that can't be the photographer," Brendon said slightly nervous.

"Why what's wrong?"

"That girl."

"What about her?"

"That's Jac, Ryan's ex-girlfriend."