Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 39

"Nice to see you again," Jac said to Brendon and Pete.


"Can we go in? It's kind of raining." I said. Jac laughed and nodded her head. We all got onto Panic's bus. Ingrid, Shannon, and Dan were there waiting.

"Jeez Lex, what were you doing?" Shannon asked.

"Living in the moment!"

"Best way to go." Jac commented. I like her. "So what are we going to do?"

"I wanna take pictures in the rain."

"Why?" Shannon questioned.

"Cause I think it will look cool."

"Yeah let's do that." Dan said. "What do you think Ingrid?"

"Sounds cool."

"Okay, I'll set up my camera, and you four stand outside and get completely soaked." Jac joked.
"Is there anything special you want to wear?"

"We're good in this." Dan said.

"Okay, then go out." We all went back outside. The rain was coming down much harder than before. Jac joined us with her camera and Pete with a huge umbrella.

"I hate you guys." Pete complained. Jac first took a group picture, with us in a lot of different poses.

"Now I want to take a few of each of you alone." Everyone went before me, so I went onto Panic's bus. I found Ryan at the table on someone's laptop.

"Hey," I said sitting down. He jumped slightly and looked at me.

"You're wet." He smiled and kissed me.
"I hear Jac is here."

"Yeah, taking pictures, she's cool."

"That's cool," He went back to looking at the laptop.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing of importance," He said in monotone.

"Okay," I sat back away from him. I took out my sidekick and signed on AIM. Only a few people were on. I instantly got an IM from Brendon.

TheStud9321: Hello doll.
PanicWithMissLex: What's up?
TheStud9321: Nothing, on FOB's bus. Where are you?
PanicWithMissLex: Your bus.
TheStud9321: With Ryan?
PanicWithMissLex: I guess you can say that.
TheStud9321: What do you mean?
PanicWithMissLex: He's all spacey or something.
TheStud9321: Prob cause of Jac.
PanicWithMissLex: She's so nice.
TheStud9321: I think you two would be good friends.
TheStud9321: Don't worry about him. He'll come around.
TheStud9321: He always does.
PanicWithMissLex: You're right, thanks, You're still on the bus?
TheStud9321: Yeah.
PanicWithMissLex: I'm coming over there. See ya.

I set my AIM to away and put my phone in my pocket.

"I'm going to the other bus."

"Okay," He said in monotone again. I just rolled my eyes, got up, and left. The rain had gotten lighter, but the sky was still very dark. I walked onto the bus, and Brendon must have been waiting for me.

"Hello banana." He said and hugged me.


"What's wrong with it? I like bananas."

"Okay, you weirdo," He picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.
"Brendon put me down." I squealed. He threw me down on the couch where the huge TV was. I was still figuring out a way to steal it too. He climbed on top of me.
"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," He said mischievously with a creepy grin on his face. I stared at him as he leaned down towards my face. I felt my stomach turn. He stopped centimeters from my face.