Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 4

(Ryan's Point of View)

She looked at the direction I was coming from. It took me awhile to figure out she was looking at me. She came my way stopping in front of me.

"Now it's my turn to ask you what's wrong?" She said looking truly concerned.

"Then it's my turn to tell you nothing."

"I can tell you're lying hon. It's obvious." She told me, butterflies filling my stomach as she said hon. Butterflies, wait a minute. That is one of the most girlish things a guy could say.

"Is it really?"

"I could tell from a mile away." I decided to take a chance. Two things could come from it.

Total Humiliation
Total Happiness

I leaned in and kissed her. She tensed up for a split second then seemed to relax and kissed back. She kissed back. I put my hand to the back of her head and pulled her closer deepening the kiss.

"Woot woot!" Shannon, Lexi's sister yelled interrupting us.

"Lord Shannon! What was that for?" Lexi said her face turning a deep red.

"How cute, our little Lexi is growing up." Dan joked coming over by us. I then too started to blush like mad.

"What's going on?" Spence said coming from the elevator with Brent and Brendon behind him.

"Noth-" I started but was cut off by Ingrid.

"Ryan kissed Lexi!" She yelled happily and smiled across her face. Brendon's face literally dropped a hundred miles, and a look a pure disgust covered Brent's face. Spence's face seemed to brighten a little.

"You kissed that witch?" Brent yelled at me. "Don't you remember last night? She was a total bitch to us!" He turned and glared at Lexi and then at me.

"Don't call her that!" I defended. "You don't know her, and you never gave her a chance. So don't say shit like that."

"You ca-,"

"Brent just shut the hell up and be happy for him and her!" Spence yelled ending the pointless fight. We all stood there in complete silence until Pete decided to end it.

"How about we go and eat." Lexi nodded her head, everyone else did the same. I took her hand and we went to the van. We got in headed to the nearest restaurant that still served breakfast at 12:30pm. We found some little place called 'Country Kitchen' and had a good breakfast I guess. Nothing can beat IHOP though. I got a few glares from Brent during breakfast, and so did Lexi. I have no idea what his problem is. Brendon isn't even acting that ride toward us, and I thought he would since he doesn't really like her.

After breakfast we headed back to the hotel, and then we split up. Lexi and the rest of her band went with Pete to start preparing for the tour, and the rest of the guys and me went to my room to talk about what we were performing and what cover songs we would do. We walked into the room and Brendon shut the door.

"So, what songs do you think we should cover live?" I asked getting down to business.

"No idea." Brent said plainly.

"Well think Brent." Spence retorted.

"How about you!"

"We all did, and you said you didn't like the songs. So now you have to pick some that would satisfy you."

"That doesn't even make any sense."

"Yes it does you're just too lazy to do anything." Brendon joined in.

"Am not!"

"Yeah you are. You didn't even do any of the bass parts like you were supposed to while making the album. I had to do them all."


"Yeah! Cause you were too busy being a lazy ass."

"Well if you think I'm so lazy…maybe I should just leave the band!"

"Maybe you should!" I burst out. Brendon and Spence looked at me for an explanation. "I mean…yeah you should. You've been nothing but lazy since we got signed, and then you're just rude to everyone. No one wants to be around you when you're such an ass."

Brent looked at me surprised, "Well if that's what you think. I am leaving, good luck with the tour without me." With that he got up and left for good.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath.

"What are we gonna do now!" Spence sighed.

"We'll get through this. There are many better bass players than him." Brendon said making the mood better.

"Yeah, ones that will actually work, and for the music, not just for the fame and chicks he can get." I said happily realizing what just happened.

"Should we go tell Pete?" Spence asked.

"No, we'll just get a replacement and when tour starts and he realizes that there is no Brent we'll be like 'surprise!'" Brendon said being half serious, but mostly joking.

"Okay, then we should tell him now. Where is he?"

"In Dan's room, Room 214" I said knowingly.

"And how do you know that?"

"Lexi told me." I said looking up at them. We got up and headed towards Dan's room.