Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 40

(Brendon's Point of View)

I looked at her face and I felt a strong urge to keep leaning in. I wanted to. Maybe even needed too, but I couldn't do that to Ryan. I looked into her eyes. They were as beautiful as she was. If only.

(Alexis's Point of View)

He smiled again and I felt his hands move to my sides, and then the jerk started tickling me. I started laughing, slowly getting louder.

"Brendon stop it!" I laughed.

"Why should I?" I continued laughing.

"Cause if you did that would be totally awesome, and I would love you forever." By the look on his face t looked like he was considering what I said. He took his hands off me and leaned back.

"I'll be nice today, and today only. So don't get used to this." He said getting off of me. He offered to help me up, which I accepted. My phone started ringing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed the green button.


"Where are you?" Ryan asked.

"On FOB's bus, I told you that."

"I forgot sorry."

"It's fine."

"Well that's it."

"You called for that?"


"Alright, I'll see you later then. Bye."

"Whatever bye," He hung up quickly.

"Ryan?" Brendon asked.

"You betcha," The door to the bus opened sharply and Pete walked in.

"Alright Lex," Pete started.


"Jac's almost ready for you."


"What happened with Ryan now?"

"Nothing, he's PMSing or something."

"Like always," The door opened again, this time Jac walked on.

"Alexis, what did you say to Ryan?" She asked jokingly.

"Nothing why?"

"He's being his pre-man menstrual self." I burst out in laughter, and Jac laughed with me.
"Are you ready?" She asked.


"Then let's go." We walked outside. It had stopped raining, and got only a smige lighter. I led Jac to where Brendon and I had been earlier.
"Oh, I like it here. Good job."

"Thank you." I said. Jac and I talked about where I should be. We both had great ideas, but had eventually decided to have myself standing on top of a fallen tree, and Jac would take the picture looking up. After about thirty minutes we finally got the perfect shot.
"This was fun," I said laughing and hopping down from the tree for the last time.

"Taking the pictures was more fun." She joked.

"I really can't wait to see how it turns out."

"Me either, come on and lets go back to the bus."

"Alright," We walked back while exchanging common interests. That was until she asked something I thought would be truly awkward.

"So you are going out with Ryan right?"


"Good luck."


"His mood swings are the worst, but I'm sure you already knew that. He is really sweet though."


"Don't worry, I don't care that you two are going out. I'm not the jealous ex."

"That's good," I smiled. She took out her phone, which happened to be a sidekick too.

"Lemme see your phone please?" I took out my phone and gave it to her. She opened it and started typing. Seconds later her phone started ringing.
"I'm adding my number to your phone, and yours to mine. That's okay right?"

"That's fine with me."

"Good, cause you're pretty cool." We got back to the buses and Ryan, Brendon, Pete, and Dan were out there talking.

"Hello banana," Brendon greeted me raising his hand.

"Where did you come up with that?" I asked high fiving him.

"I don't know, but I like it." He said hugging me too.

"Okay," He let go, and I turned my head towards Ryan. He looked sadly at me. I looked confusingly back at him, and he walked to me.

He whispered in my ear, "Can you come with me for a second?" I nodded my head, and he grabbed my hand. We walked for the third time to the spot I had been at previously with Brendon and Jac.

"Lex," I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

"Ry," He looked down and abruptly hugged me.

"I'm sorry for my shitty mood. I love you."

"Calm down Ryan."

"I've been an ass."

"Stop, you keep pointing out all your flaws. We all have flaws. You shouldn’t be sorry for them. They make you human."

He smiled and leaned in kissing me, but how could I tell you that when his lips touched mine Brendon was the only one to flash through my mind.