Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 42

"Wake the fuck up." Was screamed in my ear. I moaned out in pain and annoyance. I slowly opened my eyes, and Andy was staring at me.


"There is an angry girl on our bus. She wants to rip you to shreds."

"Would that girl be Audrey?"

"I like the makeover you gave her, and I think Brendon approves too."

"I'm glad you liked it. I was thinking of becoming one myself."

"Are you refreshed?" I looked at him oddly.

"Sure," I said.

"You're CD release show, party, and after-party is today."

"When's the after party?"

"After the first party." He told me.

"Radical," After I said the Andy busted with laughter. I punched him in the arm, and rolled out of bed. I stood up and was overcome with dizziness. Andy helped me stay standing, and we walked out to the main of the bus. Audrey was standing there with Brendon and Ryan. I waved to them with a cheesy grin.
"Hey guys what's up?"

"Nothing much, just another day worth living," Brendon said with a matching grin. Ryan looked like he was ready to pop with laughter. Audrey stared at me.

"What's your problem?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Why did you mess up my hair? I spent money, and my own time on it. I'm starting to think you're jealous of what I have."

"What do you have?" I taunted.

"Real fans, fame, a model's body, and a great boyfriend."

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Lex has fans, fame, a great body, and guy too." Brendon said. I shot him a warm smile. He smiled back, and Ryan cleared his throat.

"Brendon's right." He agreed. Audrey looked at Brendon, Ryan, and Pete who stood behind me looking for support. She got none. She turned and faced Brendon. She slapped him hard across the face. I stepped forward, but Pete grabbed my arm. She looked at me, smirked, and left the bus.

Ryan looked at me, and smiled. He walked to me, grabbed my hand, and kissed my forehead. He looked at Pete.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked him. Pete nodded his head, and they walked off the bus. I looked at Brendon, and I walked to him.

"Bren, are you alright?" I touched his face lightly. He grabbed my hand, and smiled at me.

"I'm fine." I smiled back at him.
"You should start getting ready for tonight. Everyone else is."

"Who cares what everyone else is doing? Let's go out and get something to eat." He looked at me thinking for a second.

"Sure let's go." I put a different shirt on, but left my pajama pants on. I put on some sandals on and we left. We snuck to the car, and left. We drove searching for a suitable place to eat. We saw a place called Go Romo, and decided to try it out.

"This place looks cool." I said as we walked inside. Brendon agreed with me, and we ordered food. Brendon got a sandwich melt, and I got cheese ravioli. We sat down at a table, and waited for our food.

"I love your laid back attitude. You are like a polar opposite of your sister." Brendon said.

"How was she this morning?"

"She was all anal about everything. I got yelled at for doing my hair wrong." He laughed. I laughed along with him. We got our food, and began eating. When we finished we left to go back to the buses.
"You should go get ready or Pete will have a coronary."

"Poor Pete, but you're right." We got out of the car. Brendon gave me a tight hug. It lasted longer than necessary, but I didn't exactly mind. He gave me a nice smile, and we headed off to our own buses and got ready for tonight.
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hey guys, sorry about the lack of updates.
for the past week i have been working hard on school, but i'm getting back on track. expect more updates very very very soon.
please comment and such. it helps me write.

