Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 46

I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. Ryan instantly bounded to the bathroom door, and pushed me back inside. He shut the door behind him.

"I have a surprise for you. You have to stay in here until I tell you to come out alright?"

"What do you have planned?"

"It's a surprise." He walked out of the bathroom, and shut the door quickly behind him. I stood as close to the door as I could. I could hear shuffling around coming from the other side of it. Ryan cleared his throat and then called for me to come out. I slowly opened the door, and a large chocolate lab came running to me.

"His name is Choi."

"Well hello Choi, you are absolutely adorable."

"He is yours. I knew you always wanted to adopt a dog without a home."

"Like those sad commercials on TV. Ryan this is the best. I love him." I kneeled down to Choi's height and rubbed his head.
"I love you puppy, even if you aren't a puppy. How old is he?"

"Four years old." I stood up again. I walked to Ryan and hugged him.

"Choi is perfect. Thank you so much."

"Now you can trash talk me to Choi." I laughed with Ryan.

"I would never." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him gently.
"Thank you."

"I love you."

"I love you too Ry." For the second time that day someone started banging on the hotel room's door. I walked over to it and opened it. Pete stood there slightly covering his eyes.

"Oh good you're dressed." He joked.

"Shut up."

"We're meeting downstairs in like ten minutes."

"Alright thanks." I waved him goodbye and shut the door.

"What can we do in ten minutes?" Ryan asked nearing me.

"We can pack our stuff and get down there early."

"That's not what I was thinking at all." He frowned.

"I'm sorry, but it's the last week of the tour."

"So you're excited for it to end?"

"Not at all, but I wanna spend all the time I have with everyone when I can."

"I see, well then let's get downstairs." I packed my stuff up quickly and got Choi's collar form Ryan. I walked with my suitcase in one hand, and I held Choi's leash in the other. We arrived in the lobby just in time as everyone else showed up just after we did. I headed back to Fall Out Boy's bus and got my stuff in there. I sat down on my couch/bed and pet Choi.

"This is where you're gonna be sleeping little buddy." I told him rubbing his head.

"And who is this?" Pete asked sitting next to me.

"Choi, Ryan got me him."

"So you got the dog you've been wanting, and now I can bring Hemingway on tour."

"Why couldn't you bring him on tour before?"

"He didn't have a buddy, but now he does." Pete laughed.
"Are you all set for London?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"No one else wants to go. They're all going back to Chicago." Pete looked at me trying to find the right words before he spoke.

"That doesn't mean you're not going to have a good time. You still have us and Panic." I smiled at him.

"I know that, and I'm pretty excited to go to London actually."

"You should be excited." Joe walked in and joined us.

"Hey guys, we're leaving now."

"Last few days of tour here we come!" Pete cheered.