Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 47

The last day of tour. I couldn't believe that I actually made it through the whole thing alive. I skipped to the stage where I was performing with Dan. He was dragging his feet more than skipping, but did that matter? Exactly. We showed the guard's our passes and he let us through. Brendon stood near us with Choi. We walked up to him, and I grabbed Choi's collar.

"Thanks for watching him Bren." I said kneeling down to pet him.

"No problem Lex." I stood and he hugged me.
"You ready to go to London?"

"Oh god yes."

"Sorry I couldn't come by the way." Dan said.

"You can next time." Brendon laughed. They both gave each other a high five stupidly. Someone turned me around and kissed me. He pulled away and smiled.

"Hello Ryan how are you?"

"I'm all better now." I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"There you two are, are you ready to go on?" Pete asked popping out of nowhere like a ninja.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Dan started.

"Chill out Pete." I finished. Pete handed me the mic and Dan and I quickly walked onto the stage from the right side. Ingrid and Shannon joined us from the left side. We opened with the first song on our new album. People in the crowd sang along, and I thought it was nuts. Our album came out nearly a week ago, and people knew the words.

We finished the set with a cover song of I Write Sins Not Tragedies; without Panic's consent of course. We exited the stage and all four Panic guys stared at us.

"What are we supposed to perform now?" They joked.

"You guys figure it out." I hugged Brendon, Jon, and Spencer. Then I kissed Ryan and they went on stage. The other three members of my band had left, and as I went to leave Pete pulled me aside.
"Hey Pete."

"Don't go yet. I want to bring you and Brendon out to sing with us on out last song.

"Alright," I smiled. I stood near the backstage entrance watching Panic perform. The finished happily and exited the stage. Jon ran up to me, picked me up, and spun me around.

"Who knew knowing a loser like you would pay off one day." He joked.

"Oh Jon you're so sweet!" He put me down and all five of us went to sit on the floor waiting for our queue to go out. Spencer and I played Rock Paper Scissors about a thousand times before a scrubby man walked up to us.

"Alexis and Brendon?" He said, and Brendon and I raised our hands. We stood up and walked to the right stage entrance. The song "A Little Less Sixteen Candles and A Little More Touch Me" started playing. Pat waved for us to come in, and we both ran in singing. We finished the song all in smiles.

"Thank you everyone for being here the last night of tour!" Pat yelled to the crowd.

"You were all amazing and we hope to see all your faces soon!" I screamed into the mic. Brendon wrapped an arm around my waist from the side, and half hugged me. We bowed and left the stage.

"Are you ready for the after tour party?" Andy asked.

"Do you guys have a party for everything?"
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Sorry about the lack of updates. I hope I didn't scare too many of you loyal readers away. Read the latest journal to find out what's been holding me back from writing for all you.
