Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 48

"I want a kiddy cocktail!" I yelled laughing like a maniac. I linked arms with Jon and Dan and we skipped to where the drinks were being served. We stood in front of the guy and he handed Jon and I a drink.
"No drink for you Dan, you're underage!" I joked.

"I'm underage?" He took the drink from my hand and ran away. I turned to Jon and took his drink. I went to run away but was less successful as Dan. Jon wrapped his arms around me and brought me back.

"Jerk, what the hell?"

"You shouldn't steal it's not very nice."

"Either is holding me like this. I do have a boyfriend." I said laughter in my voice. He leaned in and kissed my temple.

"What are you two doing?" Brendon asked with eyebrows arched. Jon let go of my and gave me his drink.

"Nothing man." He said. Jon walked away and Brendon approached me.

"Is there something between you and Jon?"

"No way Brendon."

"I won't tell Ryan." I looked at him.

"There isn't anything. We're just very close." He put an arm around my shoulders. I laid my head against his shoulder.
"I'm tired."

"I see you're not much of a partier."

"As of right now I am partied out." I laughed. I took a quick glance up and noticed a face in the crowd of people. I had seen the face once but barely. But I knew that face. It was the person who tried to rape me weeks back. My breath got caught in my throat, and I pulled away from Brendon quickly regretting it. He looked at me worried and I grabbed his hand.
"We have to find Jon." I said.

I pulled Brendon through the insane group of people. I didn't even know this many people. I nearly tripped over a fallen chair, but Brendon caught me.

"Alexis what's wrong?" He asked holding me.

"We just have to find Jon." I looked to my right and found him with Dan. I felt relieved but noticed I had trailed away from Brendon. I looked behind me to find him but the person behind me wasn’t who I wanted to see.

"Nice seeing you again." I tried my best not to fall to the ground. The man grabbed my arm, and I twisted around trying to find Jon again. He was in the exact same spot so I yelled as loud as I could.

"JON! DAN!" Was all I got out before he put a large calloused hand over my mouth. I saw them turn their heads. Jon's face flashed with rage. They both ran to me and I felt the guy wrap his arms around my stomach. He squeezed my stomach and I felt myself ready to puke. It hurt so bad. Jon and Dan made it to me and Jon started pulling the guy off me. Brendon appeared and grabbed me gently.

"Brendon," I whispered as the guy's arms were ripped off me.

"You're alright Lex." He whispered with his arms around me as gently as possible. I felt myself get weak and fall to the floor. Brendon knelt to the floor so I could relax. Jon appeared as Dan walked with a security guard with the guy in handcuffs.

"Are you alright babe?" Jon asked kneeling down too.

"I'm fine." I said weakly.
"Jon I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"That guy," I started, "he tried raping me before."

"What?" He said shocked. I felt Brendon stiffen.

"Earlier in the tour, the day before Ryan and I got back together I went outside to clear my head and he found me."

"How did you get away?" Brendon asked.

"Ryan found me." I looked at Jon.

"We have to tell them." He told me forgetting Brendon was here.

"I guess so."