Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 49

It was about two o'clock in the morning, and we were in Brendon and Spencer's hotel room. Jon and I had discussed up until this point of what we were going to say. We were still both clueless on how to start. I hadn't told anyone. No one knew a thing, not even my sister. Jon was the one who had found me, and that's the only reason he knows. The faces of our friends stared back at us.

"What is it Lexi?" Pete asked. I looked at Jon for help.

"Well we have something to tell you that would be only fitting after what happened tonight."

"What happened tonight?" Ryan asked.

"Where have you been?" Brendon asked him.

"I showed up late."

"How could you have? We all came together!"

"I had to make a stop somewhere."

"Brendon calm down." I snapped very irritated.

"Sorry," He muttered.

"When Alexis was 12 she was…" Jon trailed off suddenly losing confidence. He looked at me helpless. I looked at everyone with a twisted stomach. They were all like family, and Shannon was family. I took a big breath and finished his sentence.

"I was raped." I felt…relieved. It was such a big weight on my shoulder, and it had just been lifted.

"By who?" Dan asked.

"Some person," I said sitting down. Jon put a hand on my shoulder.

"It was outside of school. I found her cause I had to stay after for detention."

"I was there waiting for him." I confessed.

"Where you?" He asked me.


"And then…" Ryan started but trailed off.

"Yeah Ryan, and he came here tonight."

"That's why Lex and I are so close." Jon said.
"It's kind of like the whole event brought us closer." I could see tears in almost everyone's eyes. I didn't want to bring them pain. I felt like this was my entire fault. In reality it was my entire fault. Pete stood up suddenly.


"No one should have to go through that bullshit. You don't remember the guy."

I looked at him and shook my head.

"It doesn't matter anyways. You can't just go up to someone years later and acuse them of something that happened so long ago."

"You do know who it is don't you!" He yelled at me.

"Don't yell at her." Brendon said. Pete looked at him and then at me.

"I'm sorry Lex." He took a step forward and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"So it's true then." I heard Shannon say. Pete pulled away from me and we looked at her.

"What's true?"

"You had to have slept with Jon."

"Why do you fucking care?" Ingrid asked.

"You know I like him Alexis!" Shannon stood up.

"Shannon, that was three years ago!" Dan yelled at her.

"You have to stop being so immature." Jon told her calmly.

"I'm immature?" She started.
"Alexis is the one who is being babied because of something that happened years ago!"

"How could you be so cruel?" Spencer joined in on the fight.

"Everyone!" I yelled.
"Stop it, just stop it." I stood up and left the room. I heard my name being called, but I continued to walk down the long hallway to the elevators.

That was the exact reason I didn't want to tell anyone. Everyone reacts differently to something, and they all have their own opinions. I didn't want to hear what they thought. The whole fight was my fault and problem. I'm not the victim. If anything I was the criminal.

My head spun with thoughts as I waited for the elevator door to open. Once it had I walked quickly inside, and as the doors were about to shut Brendon threw his arm in the way to keep them open. He stepped inside and looked at me.

"Lexi don't listen to her. She's upset and heard things she probably never wanted to hear. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then why do I feel like I did?" He stepped closer to me and rubbed my cheeks. I hadn't noticed I had started crying. Brendon pushed a button and the elevator started moving.

"We're all here for you. We're leaving in a few hours to London and you'll be away from everything over here. Except for us, we're coming with you." I laughed and he gave me a comforting hug.

"Thanks Brendon." The elevator stopped and opened its doors. Brendon pulled away and looked at me.

"Do you need help packing?"

"Would you help me please?" I asked laughing.

"I would love to."