Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 51

"Lex come on," Spencer said grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall as we chased after them. It broke me out of my daze and soon I was running without the help of Spencer. We found them in the near empty lobby shouting back and forth at each other.

"I can't stand you Brendon!"

"Then why did you even call me?"

"You've changed since last time. That whore has changed you!"

"Who the hell is she talking about?" I asked.

"Don't talk about her like that! You're the one who has been a total bitch to everyone!" Brendon defended.

"None of your friends like me!"

"I wonder why…" He said sarcastically. She dropped her bag and walked forward. I tried stepping forward, but Jon, who had appeared magically, pulled me back. She looked hard at Brendon's face, brought her hand up, and slapped him aggressively. I wanted to yell out, but the two boys thought ahead and put a hand over my mouth.

"You're an asshole Brendon. You're also obsessed with your best friend's girl. I wonder how he would feel about that."

"You're a gold digging bitch." He spat. My eyes widened in shock. I had never heard Brendon talk like that. I had also never seen him so angry.

"I hope you fucking burn in hell." She screamed, grabbed her bag, and left the hotel. Brendon turned away and noticed the three of us.

"I don't want to hear it guys." He said as he passed. I looked at Jon and Spencer and then both pushed me to go talk to him. I walked past the elevator and through the double doors that lead to the first floor hallway. It was the only place on the first floor with no human beings present.

"Brendon?" He turned around and looked at me.
"Of all places you come here?" I tried at a joke, but failed.

"I was such an idiot."

"No you weren't."

"I had the fear of being alone eat me out to the point where I would say 'yes' to anyone."

"That doesn't make you an idiot."

"Yeah it does." I smiled at him.

"Alright it does." He looked at me with faux shock.

"You're not supposed to agree with me."

"We weren't getting anywhere the other way." He smiled to and stepped closer to me.
"She was a pink-haired-bitch anyways."

He stepped into my arms and we shared a sweet hug. I pulled away to see his gorgeous smile. It seemed happier which made me happier. He grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"Thanks Lex."

"No problem Bren." We stayed there for a few moments until we heard someone clear their throat. I turned to see Pete behind us. I looked down at Brendon and mine's hand, and he quickly pulled it away.

"What were you two doing?" Pete asked nonchalant.

"I broke up with Audrey." Brendon answered.

"What does Lex have to do with this?"

"I was here to make sure he was alright." Pete looked from Brendon to me.

"Alright, we're leaving in like forty minutes to catch our flight." He said giving up trying to pry nothing from us. The three of us left the hallway and met with everyone in the lobby. I saw Ingrid, Shannon, and Ingrid standing in a small little group.

"Are you three leaving already?" I asked nearly crying. I would miss these three on my trip.

"Plane leaves in an hour," Dan informed me.

"We're leaving now." Shannon said. I hugged all three of them as they got into their cab.

"And why can't I come with?" I asked.

"We have to catch our own flight." Ryan said.

"Dan you better take care of my dog!" I yelled at him. He gave me a thumbs up and the cab pulled away.
"He better take care of Choi." I continued to mutter under my breath. "Well I'm all packed. I'm waiting on you slow pokes."

"I'm packed too." Jon said.

"You two must feel so special." Patrick laughed as we got onto the elevator. I flipped him off and ran through the elevator door before they closed. I found the stairs and ran up them as fast as I could. I made it to my floor and ran to the door, taking out my card key, and unlocking the door. I made it inside and shut the door behind me. I looked back into the room and noticed a very amused Ryan sitting on the bed.

"Was there a point to all that?" He asked.

"It shows I am very out of shape." He laughed and got up to hug me.

"I love you." He said as his kissed me gently.

"I love you too Ryan." I smiled.