Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 53

I woke up with a pair of dirty socks in my face. I grimaced an threw them away from me. I turned over and looked at a smiling Jon.

"It only took three minutes for the smell to wake you up."

"Grow up," I yawned and threw the blankets over my head trying to sleep once again.

"We're leaving in fifteen minutes." I whipped the blankets off me, jumped out of bed, and ran into the bathroom.

"You're an ass Jon." I yelled brushing my hair. I then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on makeup, and then I left the bathroom to get dressed. I was done within ten minutes with obviously five minutes to spare. I put my shoes on and we left our room.

Jon put an arm around my shoulders as we walked to the elevator. We arrived in the lobby where everyone else was waiting. With Brendon's back to me I ran to him and jumped on his back. He fell forward but caught his balance.

"Good morning Brendon." I said. I jumped off his back and he turned around.

"Morning Lex," He smiled. He turned around and looked back at me.
"Ready to go?" I grinned and nodded my head. We left the hotel and got into a car to get us to the place. As we got closer we could see groups of people get larger and larger.

We got out of the car and was escorted into the fest. We were brought to their stage and went to the back so they could get ready.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Spencer.

"I'm feeling pretty good actually. I'm pretty sure Ryan is scared shitless, but I think Brendon's in real trouble. I've heard they can whip bottles pretty hard here."

A quick thought flashed through my head suddenly making me worried for the boys. I smiled at Spencer and went to find Brendon. He was standing in front of a mirror applying eyeliner.

"Whatever you do don't get killed out there." I told him. He turned around and smiled.

"I promise nothing will happen to me. It's just a show." I forced a smile and nodded my head. He walked to me and wrapped his arms around me. The hug felt great and I felt slightly reassured. The worry wouldn't go away, but for now it was calm. He kissed the side of my head and pulled away.

"Are you ready Bren?" Ryan asked from behind us.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Brendon handed me his eyeliner and left Ryan and I alone. I put the makeup in my back pocket as Ryan stepped towards me.

"I'm sorry about everything." He said. I looked at him trying to find the right words.

"You can't keep saying that forever." I said back. He looked at me with pain.


"You have to go Ryan. It's time for you to go on." I said and walked past him. I watched closely as the four boys walked onto the stage.

Pete stood next to me. He poked my arm, and I looked at him with a strained smile. He gave me a reassuring side hug as they begun their first song. I could see bottles flying everywhere. Brendon stepped forward on stage and I could see a bottle flying right to him. I was about to call out his name when he stepped to the side dodging it. I took a deep breath smiling. I looked at Pete, but saw his face was in horror. I whipped my head back and saw Brendon falling to the floor. I screamed out in terror and tried running out to the stage.

I could see the paramedics running to Brendon as I reached him. I heard my name being called and someone grabbing my arms. I was pulled back to the backstage, and I collapsed on the floor with a flood of tears streaming down my eyes.