Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 54

I was brought back to my hotel room, and it's where I waited hours until the boys returned back from the show. I sat on my bed and looked at the phone anticipating a phone call from someone to let me know Brendon was alright. When I didn't get one call I called Pete myself.

Every ring was like another dagger being stabbed through my heart. I had no idea why I was acting this way. I was crying like he died. I finally reached Pete's voicemail and left a long indecipherable message. I sat back in my bed and stared and the stale yellow walls.

I looked at the clock until I heard a clicking at the door. I watched as someone was struggling with opening it up. It finally swung open and I saw Jon walk through. I jumped up from the bed and ran to him. He looked at me with a small smile.

"Please tell me he is alright."

"He's fine Lexi, calm down."

"Where is everyone?"

"We're all going out tonight. You wanna join?"

"Is Bren going?"

"He's staying in his room I think."

"I'm going to Brendon's room." I yelled running out of my room and down the hall to find Brendon's. I looked helplessly at each door trying to remember his. A door swung open and Brendon walked out. I nearly ran into him, but stopped right in my tracks.

"Hey Le-"

"Thank god you're alright." I wrapped my arms around him as tears threatened to fall. I pulled away and we walked into his room. He shut the door behind him and I stared at him.

"I'm fine."

"You promised nothing would happen!" He grabbed my hands and walked closer to me.

"I'm sorry." It was then I noticed the large black eye he had. It looked horrible. I also noticed a small but going vertical on his nose.

"Are you sure you're alright." I said lightly touching his face. He nodded and smiled.

"Lexi I'm fine."

"I was so worried."

"Well I'm here and alive. It's going to take more than a bottle to get me." I laughed and he smile wider.
"That's what I want to hear."

I sat down on his bed and looked at the TV. There was an old episode of The Simpsons on.

"Why aren't you going out with the rest of them?" He asked me.

"I wanted to spend the night in with you, if that's alright?"

"That is perfectly fine with me." I smiled at Brendon and we decided to order an extra large cheese pizza. We both watched The Simpsons as we waited for the pizza to come. The pizza finally came and we sat on the ground in front of the TV eating it.

"I can't believe you were in the marching band." I laughed.

"Shut up, I told you that thinking you wouldn't make fun of me."

"You should know me better than that."

"Well you tripped at graduation!"

"You're an ass." I laughed.

"You love me anyways."

"That's what you think." He looked at me in faux shock. We put the rest of the pizza and our plates on the bed and continued to talk.

"You were such a geek in school."

"You were too Brendon." He smiled at me.
"I can see it now. Little Brendon Urie going into school with his scruffy hair and braces, that's just adorable."

"Well I think you're just adorable."

We both stared into each other's eyes. I could feel Brendon leaning in, and I could feel myself closing the gap and our lips molded together.