Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 55

I stared at the boys around me. While I sat in the cold, not even near comfortable seats at the airport I watched them. It was the only entertainment I had, and I was taking it. The maturity level of these boys was unbelievable. I watched Brendon as he shuffled through his carry-on looking for something. I wanted to believe that the one simple thing we did last night wouldn't hurt anybody. But I knew it would be a lie.

I then looked at Jon and Ryan sitting on the floor next to me. They were hitting each other back and forth. I raised my eyebrows and hit Jon in the head. He turned and looked at me.

"What?" He asked.

"Why are you two hitting each other?"

"Well he hit me, so I hit him back to make us even. Then he hit me, and then I hit him back."

I shook my head and sat back in my seat. Spencer stood up and left suddenly without a word. When he returned he had to cups of Starbucks in his hands and a bag. He say down next to me handing me one of the cups.

"You looked upset."

"Thanks Spence." He opened the bag I pulled out a blueberry muffin and handed it to me too. I took it and smiled.

"So we're all going to Vegas?"

"Obviously, since we're all getting on the same plane."

"What about you guys, Jon, and Lex?" Brendon asked looking at me quickly before looking away.

"You want us gone?" I asked with a fake hurt tone.

"I never said that." I looked at him and smiled.

"Lex is coming to stay at my apartment for awhile before we go to the VMA's."

"Then I'm probably going home."

"I'm doing whatever I want to do." Jon laughed adding himself into the conversation. I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled childishly to himself. We were called to start boarding. Everyone stood up, grabbed their bags, and walked in an orderly line to the gate.

We got to our seats. I sat by the window this time with Ryan sitting to my left. Spencer, Jon, and Brendon sat in front of us. I looked out the window as the plane slowly started moving. I closed my eyes trying to sleep the whole flight again. I knew it would be pointless trying. I was wide awake with running thoughts and high off the coffee's caffeine. I heard shuffling from in front of me.

I then heard Ryan say, "Guys leave her alone."

I opened my eyes and saw a camera strapped to Jon's hand. He was working on turning it on, and Brendon was just looking back a forth between us three.

"Are we home yet?" I asked.

"We haven't even left the runway." Spencer chuckled. I let out a groan and turned to face them.

"Someone entertain me." I joked and smiled.

"I see a little silhouetto of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche will you do the fandango, thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightenin-"

"Brendon shut up," Ryan said. I looked at Ryan and back at Brendon.

"Everyone could use some Bohemian Rhapsody." I joked and smiled at Brendon.

We finally made it into the air and I stole Pete's laptop to pass by some time. I went on various sites and tried buying stuff off With no luck I signed on AIM. I was bombarded with IM's from multiple people.

Ashotofjac: hello chicka. How are you?
Panicwithmisslex: I'm tired and stuck on an airplane for hours.
Ashotofjac: Next time you go to Europe you're taking me, you know that right?
Panicwithmisslex: Sure thing, we'll party all night.
Ashotofjac: and sleep all day.

We continued talking, and she told me how she was coming up with the idea of making bracelets with words like Ruthless, Legit, and more. She also informed me she would send me some if I gave her my address. I should be expecting the bracelets at my doorstep once I get home.

After endless hours we arrived in the Las Vegas airport. I felt like I would pass out in the car to Ryan and Brendon's place, but I didn't. Somehow those two boys kept me up. I kindly hit the both of them, and they left me alone.

I entered their place and was astounded by the view they had. The place was beautiful. I dropped my bags in place like in every movie you see. I probably did it to act like I was in a movie.

"This place is pretty snazzy."

"Thanks," Ryan laughed.

"Can I sleep now?"

"Sure thing let me show you the way." Ryan grabbed my hand as he led me to his room. I'm pretty sure I was passed out before you could count to three. His bed was just so comfortable.