Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 58

I stood in line at the Starbucks ten minutes away from Ryan's apartment. Well you could say I was circling in place. I didn't have a good reason for acting like a five-year-old, except that it was fun, and I was tired of waiting in line. I stopped moving, but the room kept spinning. I heard Brendon laugh as Ryan grabbed my arm to keep me from falling on the floor.

"Smooth move Tinker bell," Brendon said.

"Tinker bell?"

"I keep trying to come up with a nick name for you, and you just veto every one of them."

"I'm sorry." I said trying my best not to laugh. Brendon forced a frown, and then we both broke out with laughter.

"Brendon, there you are!" We turned and watched Chelsea walk up to us.

"Hey, what took you so long?"

"Well when you texted me I was getting ready to take a shower. So I took a shower, and then I had to pack."

"Oh, sorry for the short notice then." He apologized.

"Didn't he tell her yesterday that we were leaving today?" Ryan asked me.

"I thought so, but maybe he didn't." I shrugged my shoulders and we finally got to the counter. I told them what I wanted, and so did everyone else. We hurriedly left the building and headed for the airport. Chelsea was following behind us in her own car.

Everyone was there already and waiting for us. We got our tickets and got through security. I couldn't believe we still have about forty minutes until boarding started. It was always my luck that we would have no problems, and the airport wouldn't be crowded. I sat down in an empty seat and tapped my hands on my legs.

"How does this always happen?" Spencer asked.

"Why can't we get like a private jet or something?" I joked.

"That would be expensive." Chelsea said slowly.

"It was a jo-"

"It would be expensive, but we could have paid for it." Pete said.
"I really didn't think about it, I guess."

"Next time, you're flying me in a jet." I continued to joke around.

"You want a fly a jet home?" Jon asked.
"Maybe Pete could hook us up."

Jon and I looked at Pete with big puppy dog eyes. Jon added a lip pout, and I couldn't help from laughing. I leaned against Jon to stop myself from falling on the floor laughing. Pete looked at us like we were children. I guess you could say we were children in nearly adult bodies.

"Well we all are going to the same place." Pete started.

"Does that mean…?"

"Sure I'll hook us up."


"Wow, isn't she a little spoiled?" Chelsea asked Brendon. He looked at her irritated.

"Pete can we have a jet back?" Spencer asked jumping from his seat.

"You guys aren't cool enough." I said laughing.

"Oh that hurts." Brendon said.

"I'm sorry Brendon."

"The pain, it's unbearable."

"Oh shut up." I threw a brochure at him.

"Where'd you get this?" Ryan asked.

"You could have paper cutted my eye." Brendon whined.

"It was sitting on the seat next to me." I told Ryan.

"My eye! I could have been blinded!"

"Brendon shut up," Ryan laughed.

"I want a muffin…or something." I stood up. I informed the group that I was off to find something to eat. Brendon was the only one that wanted to go with me. The rest were lazy or consumed in something else. We stood in line at the airport's Starbucks.

"So what do you plan on doing after this trip to New York?" Brendon asked me.

"Go home and chill out maybe. I want to start writing for our new album. That would be fun."

"No more touring?"

"Maybe something small, I think this tour wore me out." I laughed.

"Sounds cool."

"What are you guys planning on doing?"

"Well we want to do a fall tour. After that we want to start the second album."

"That's exciting too." We ordered coffee and I got my muffin. We headed back to the seats and waited for only a short time to get on our plane.

I sat in my seat completely content with where my life was. I didn't suspect something terrible could have happened. I also didn't think twice about any feelings I felt. I didn't have bad feeling in my gut. I think I should have. Who would have guessed that New York City would soon be a city of tears? I wouldn't have.