Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 62

Brendon's Point of View

"Lex!" I shouted after her. She ran through the place to the front doors. I turned and looked at Ryan.
"What is your problem?" He looked at me and shrugged.

"I don't know. I just wasn't feeling it anymore."

"You couldn't let her in on that?" I turned around and ran out the door after her.

I kept calling her name, but she would answer. I looked around desperately for her. I left the building and saw her waving down a cab. I chased after her also getting a cab. I finally got one and told the guy to follow the cab in front of us.

I pulled out my phone and called Jon. He of all people would know how to get her. I scrolled through my phone until I got to his name. I pressed the green phone and it dialed. I waited until I reached his voicemail. I hung up aggravated and tried calling Spencer and Pete. Neither of them answered their phones.

Lastly I called Lexi. She didn't answer. I called back over and over, and finally she picked up.

"What do you want Brendon?" She asked between sobs.

"Calm down Lex, please."

"What do you want?"

"Where are you going? Are you going back to the hotel?"


"Where are you going?" I asked as panic rose through my veins.

"I'm going home." She said as her crying calmed down.

"Please wait for me."

"Wait for you where Brendon? You're friends with him. I need to be alone."

"Please, just let me come with."

I watched her cab in front of us. We were close behind. The driver was doing a great job and I was thankful. I stared at Lex. I could see her clearly. We continued driving until I was stopped by a red light. I was stopped. Lexi's cab went straight through and I cursed under my breath looking down. I looked back up and wished I hadn't.

I watched as Lexi's cab was hit by a truck. I watched the cab crumpled like a pop can. The phone call we had. I heard her scream, and the line went dead. I stared into the distance not knowing was to do at that moment. I did the only thing I could do. I dialed 911 and cried.