Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 68

Three Months Later

I was walking around the apartment complex. I was taking Choi on his daily walk. If he didn't get it he would get restless, and no one likes him when he's restless. I also needed the exercise. When we decided to go back on tour I would need to be in shape. I was just outside the building, fumbling for my keys, when a car parked right next to me. I paid no attention to the driver and walked up the stairs to the door.

I opened it and held it open for the person who just pulled in. He walked past me and said thanks. The voice sounded familiar. I looked up at the person, and he wasn't just any person. He was the gorgeous guy I had known for months. He was my best friend.

"Brendon what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"To see you of course, did you not recognize me?"

"I wasn't paying attention. The people around here creep me out." He laughed, and we went to Dan's apartment. I shut the door and locked it.

"Where's Dan?"

"He went out to get groceries."

"You didn't go with him."

"He's known me for years. He knows what I like, and besides I needed to walk Choi."

Brendon smiled at the black lab. He bent down and pet him. It was hard not to love the dog.

"I haven’t seen this guy in ages."

"Is he like how you remembered him?"

"Of course, how much can a dog change?"

"Depends," I smirked. Brendon stood up.

"So, you like it here?"

"Of course, I grew up here."

"I meant in this apartment."

"Yeah, it's nice and cozy."

"I miss seeing you every day."

"I miss you too. I miss touring."

"We should go on a tour together. We have a tour coming up. You can join it if you want."

"I don't think I'm ready to go back out yet."

It was true. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready or I didn't want to go on tour with Panic at the Disco. I didn't want to be around Ryan. Maybe that was the reason I wasn't ready. I didn't want him to know that though.

"It's alright. When you're ready you can come on tour with us."

"I will, I promise."

"Lex, I have to tell you something."

"What is it Brendon?" He looked nervous. He fiddled with his hands. He kept looking from me to the ground. He had a small, cute grin was on his face, and he cleared his throat.

"I wanted to let you know something."


"Lexi, I think, I think I may be falling in love with you." I opened my mouth to say something, but words weren't coming out.
"I've wanted to tell you that for the longest time, but then Audrey showed up. You remember that night I wanted to tell you something, and Shannon interrupted us? I wanted to tell you then. I wanted to tell you the day Jac came out to takes photos for your album. I was going to tell you even though you were dating Ryan. You mean the world to me."

"Brendon," I whispered.
"I don't know what to say."

"Will you be mine?"

"I'm sorry Brendon." What was I doing?


"I can't be with you." No Alexis, you're being a dumbass.
"I can't be with anyone right now." This is your heart telling you to say YES!
"I'm sorry."

He gave me a weak smile and nodded. "I understand."

"I'm sorry."

I walked him to the door. He nodded a goodbye to me. He wouldn't even hug me. I forced a smile and shut the door. I nearly ran to my bedroom and slammed the door. I pressed my body against the door and fell to the ground crying. I couldn't be with him right now. I should have said yes, but then my brain had to insert itself into the situation.