Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 69

Five Months Later

I waited by my phone for five months. I wanted him to text me. I wanted him to call me. I wanted to turn back time and tell my son-of-a-bitch brain to shut the fuck up. I regretted telling him no. Maybe I would be happy right now, but I wasn't.

I left the apartment. Every time I left I hoped to see his car or him in a car waiting for me to leave the building. He was never there. I walked to Dan's car and got inside. I drove off to the place where I was meeting Shannon for lunch.

I looked for her inside the restaurant. I scanned my eyes across the place and found her in the corner all the way in the back. I told the host I was there with her. I walked through the crowded place filled with parents and their children or old friends catching up. I smiled as I neared her table. She smiled too and stood up. She brought me into a hug.

"Alexis how are you?"

"I'm good." We sat down, and I ordered my food. Once the waitress left, Shannon started asking me questions.

"So, you're over him?"

"Not even close."

"I don't get it."

"Get what?"

"Brendon comes to you, he pours his heart out, and you send him away. Now that he's gone you can't stop thinking of him. Why did you tell him no in the first place?"

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking. I didn't want to get hurt again."

"That's understandable, but you better go and get him before someone else does."


"I know where they are. Jon told me."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"He didn't want you to know until you've come to your senses. Brendon was heartbroken when you shot him down."

"I feel awful." Shannon pulled a piece of paper from her purse and scribbled something down. She handed me the piece of paper. I looked at it, and it was an address to some place in Nevada.
"What's this?"

"It's where they are staying. Go and get him." She smiled.

"You're amazing Shannon." I told her. I got up from the table. I pulled money from my purse paying for the food I wasn't going to eat.
"I'm sorry I have to leave."

"Just go!"

I ran from the restaurant. I drove back to the apartment while talking to the airport on my phone. I told them I would need one ticket to Nevada immediately. The flight was in less than two hours, and I hurried and packed. I had called a taxi, and it was outside waiting for me.

I got to the airport, and my ticket was waiting for me. I made it through security, and now I was waiting in line to get on the plane. In only four hours I would see him again. I heard whispering coming from behind me. I turned around noticed two girls. They looked at me and smiled. I smiled sweetly back at them and turned around.

"Excuse me," One of them said. I turned around and looked at them again.


"You're Alexis Adams right? From the band Forever and Ever?"

"That would be me." I smiled.

"We love your voice, and you're music is amazing!"

"Thanks a lot." They handed me a pad of paper to sign. I signed two separate pieces of paper for each of them. I handed it back to them.

"Thanks so much."

"Did you guys want a picture?" They looked happier after I asked that. They nodded their heads, and the person behind us took a picture of us. The person gave them their camera back, and they had one more question.

"What are you doing on your way to Nevada?"

"I'm getting my man back." I smiled.