Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 7

(Three Weeks Later)

We finished packing up the buses. Fall Out Boy would have their own bus, and Panic! At The Disco, and Forever And Ever will be sharing. Brendon started to be oddly mean to Ryan and I, but seemed to become nicer. Why? I have no idea but let's hope we won't kill each other during this tour. Things between Ryan and I weren't as good as they were the first week we started dating. I personally think we are better off as friends, but you all know how that turns out. One won't talk to the other, and then bickering starts. I don't want that to happen. So the only way I will end it is if we can both promise to stay friends. Phft, like that'll happen.

"We have like 6 bunks?"

"So?" Ryan asked annoyed.

"We have eight people."

"Once again…so?"

"What's up your ass today?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, you're just snap-"

"Well it must mean something if you're being a nagging bitch to me." I stood there mouth hung open. What did he just say? Was he on his man period or something? I couldn't believe him; he was turning into another Brent. I turned and slammed the door to the bunks. I know I'm not the nicest person. I try not to be so bitchy. I guess the whole treat people how you want to be treated is true. I saw Brendon sitting at the table laptop open, and quickly typing. I sat across from him getting my sketchbook out.

"What's wrong?" He asked after a few minutes.

"Nothing, why do you ask?"

"Well obviously something is wrong. You aren't by Ryan, and Ryan isn't by you. You're being much quieter than you usually are, and you and Ryan have been fighting a lot lately. Trouble in paradise?" Brendon questioned raising an eyebrow.

"What paradise?" I sighed banging my head on the table.

"So I'm right?"

"Possibly," I looked up and looked at Brendon. He was looking back trying to read me.

He has been doing that lately, acting as if reading me is like reading a book written in a foreign language. He got up and sat next to me looking deeply at me once again. Butterflies started to flutter in my stomach. No, this isn't supposed to happen. I'm with Ryan, and Brendon had been a total jerk to me when we first met. I can't like the jerk it just isn't possible. What am I saying? I was a total jerk back.

"Ugh," I said looking away from Brendon. He pulled me closer to him, taking his hand and pulling my chin to make me face him. How could you resist looking at him with his red rimmed glasses?

"What's wrong?"

I looked at him and I couldn't lie, "Ryan said some things that just really hurt."


"Well, I'll just say he reminds me of Brent." Brendon's eyes widened.

"A bitch?" I nodded my head and looked down. It was one simple stupid word, but it hurt a lot. Brendon seemed to be shocked and confused for a few moments, and then he embraced me in a tight hug, also stroking my hair trying to comfort me. What Ryan said really hurt.