Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 76

We all got off the plane. People knew we were coming. There were photographers waiting for us outside the airport. I had my pair of big sunglasses on, and my bags in my hands. A limo was already outside waiting for us to arrive. We got in, and the driver started driving. I looked through the open window.

"Could you tell us where we're going?"

"I'm dropping Dan, Shannon, and Ingrid off at The Palms hotel. Alexis, you're going to an apartment."

"Whose apartment am I going to?" I asked.

"A Mr. Brendon Urie's apartment," He informed me. I had no idea I was going there. I just nodded my head and we arrived at the Palms hotel. I got out of the limo with Shannon, Dan, and Ingrid. I gave them all hugs and told them my goodbyes. I would be seeing them the next day at the studio.

I got back into the limo, and I felt quite alone. It was completely logical because I was the only one in the limo besides the driver. About twenty minutes after starting off, we arrived outside of Brendon's apartment building. I looked out the window, and I could see girls outside the front door. I got out of the limo, and the driver handed me my bags.

"Do I have to pay you now?" I asked him.

"No ma'am. Mr. Wentz took care of the bill."

"Oh, thanks for driving us then." He nodded and got back into his limo. He drove away, and I called Brendon.


"Brendon, come let me in!" I cheered.

"I'll be right down bay-be." I laughed and hung up the phone. I walked nearer to the front doors. The girls stood up and stared at me. I glanced at their shirts, and I noticed they were all wearing Panic at the Disco shirts. I smiled warmly at them and stood in front of the door.

"Do you know who lives here?" One asked me.

"No clue," I told them.

"THE Brendon Urie!" I looked at them with a small smile.
"He's only the most gorgeous, hot, talented man ever. I wouldn't mind banging that body anytime."

I just looked at them and laughed. I looked through the glass doors and saw the elevator door open. Brendon appeared from behind the doors and walked out. I heard the girls behind me gasp.

"Here he comes." The one who would bang him in a heartbeat said. He smiled and opened the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"Lex, it's so great to see you." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you."

"Love you too Brendon." He held the door open for me, and brought me to his apartment. He kicked open the door, and brought me inside. I dropped my bags, and I turned and looked at him.

"Did those girls harass you at all?"

"Nope, they just informed me that they would love to get you alone."

"Get me alone?"

"Get you alone and bang your body." I giggled.

"Well it sucks for them that I've already found the girl of my dreams." I smiled and hugged him.
"Oh, I'm not sure if Pete told you or not, but we're recording both our albums at the same time!" He looked excited.

"That's awesome Brendon! I can't wait." I was extremely happy too.
"Can you show me to your room?" I asked. He smirked and grabbed my hand. He brought me to his room and I almost instantly fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.