Make A Name For Yourself

Chapter 79

The month ended, and the new one came faster than expected. Everyone knew we were engaged. The thing about doing the elopement is that only two other people can be there as witnesses. This is not including the Priest. Brendon had already picked his person. He chose Pete. I didn't fully understand why at first. I was sure he was going to pick Ryan, but he didn't. I didn't question him. I was pretty sure my person would be my own sister, Shannon. I had yet to tell her.

I was currently in a small boutique. I was looking for a small dress to wear. We weren't going fancy because there was barely going to be wedding in the first place. I had a white dress on, but it was more like a sun dress. It also reminded me of a Marilyn Monroe type of dress. I stood in front of the mirror and twirled around. It fit perfectly. I heard a bell signifying someone had just entered the store. I turned around and noticed it was Shannon, and she was out of breath. I smiled as she came and gave me a hug.

"Way to be last minute," She joked once she pulled away. Her hair was newly died. It was a perfect shade of dark brown.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're getting married tomorrow." She pointed out.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." I joked. She hit my arm playfully and I looked at it in disbelief.
"You could have bruised me. That wouldn't look pretty on my wedding day."

She playfully flipped me off, and I showed her the dress I was wearing. I twirled around again for her, and I waited anxiously for her opinion. I was almost afraid when she didn't say anything at first. I looked at her, and she had a look that told me she was thinking.

"You don't like it do you?" I asked.

"Actually, I love it. I was just thinking about how you sneakily chose an off white color. Are you trying to tell me something?" I hit her and went to change out of my future wedding dress. I heard her laugh. I hadn't even noticed it was off-white. I really don't see the difference between an egg shell white or any other type of white.

I stepped out of the changing room with the dress neatly on its hanger. I had all my things, and I bought the dress. Shannon and I left the place, and we walked to Brendon's car so I could put my dress in it. I had borrowed his car for the day. He just didn't know it.

"Has he called you yet about his missing car?"

"He's probably still asleep. If people didn't have keys to his apartment he would never wake up."

"Who has keys to his apartment?"

"Me, Ryan, Spencer, and Pete," I told her. I locked the car, and we walked to find somewhere to eat. We had small conversations until I found a place to eat. We walked inside, and the place was crowded with people. The age group consisted of fifteen to twenty-three years olds or that's what I thought. There were only a few seats open. We were lucky to get a table. In was nearly dead center in the restaurant, but we didn't mind. We ordered our food. I was trying to find a way to tell her the news.

"Shannon dearest," I started. She looked up from her drink with a smile.

"What's up darling?"

"I have some things to tell you."


"Well, first thing's first, I want you to be there, at the wedding. I want you to be, I guess you could say, my maid of honor." Her face blew up in a wide smile. For a second there, I think she thought I wasn't going to pick her.

"That's…I can't…I can't find the words to describe how happy I am."

"I think I get the idea." I told her.

"What is the other thing you wanted to tell me?" She asked.

"Well, this one's going to b harder to tell you."

"What is it Lex?" I looked down at the table, and then I looked at her.

"I think I'm pregnant." Her eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped.

"Holy mother of the world," She said, and I laughed.

"I know right."

"How late is it?"

"It's like a month late. I have a doctor's appointment today. I want you to come with me."

"Of course I'll be there. Have you told Brendon? It's his isn't it?"

I looked at her hoping she was joking.

"Yes it is his! Who do you think I am? After that I had booked a room at Treasure Island for us to spend the night at for the wedding tomorrow."

"We are going to have so much fun tonight." She grinned.

"But not too much fun if there's a child on the way." I reminded her with a smile.

"I can't believe it."

"Believe me, either can I."

We finished our meal, and we headed for the doctor's office. Where I had scheduled the appointment was at a smaller place that was thirty-forty minutes out of town. I didn't want the chance of being recognized. I wanted to keep this a secret until tomorrow night. As the city turned into the desert, the car was silent. The only thing you could hear was the faint song on the radio. I heard the familiar beginning of a familiar song. Shannon smiled and turned the volume up. It was Panic's new single 'Nine in the Afternoon'. I loved the song. We both sung it together, and when the song ended we pulled into the parking lot of the office.

We both got out and nearly ran inside. We both were full of anticipation. The waiting room was nearly empty, except a young woman who had to be at least six months pregnant. I walked up to the receptionist and told her of my appointment. I signed in, and I filled out the necessary paperwork. Shannon and I once again sat there in silence waiting for my name to be called.

"Alexis?" I heard the nurse call out. I stood up with a forced smile and followed her. She took my weight, and then she brought me into a waiting room. She left for less than thirty seconds before coming back in.
"So, tell me why you're here."

"Well, my period is like a month late."

"You want to find out if you're pregnant or not?" She questioned.

"Yeah, pretty much," I said simply.

"When was the last time you had your period?"

"Like two months ago," I told her.

"And the last time you had sex?" I heard a faint laugh from Shannon, and I looked at the doctor. Do they normally ask these questions?

"Well…erm…like…uh…yesterday." She nodded her head, and left the room for a few seconds. Shannon burst out in laughter.

"No wonder you could be pregnant. You two are like animals."

"Shut up," I told her. The nurse came back in and handed me a cup. She told me to pee in it, and they would do the test. I did what I was told. I brought the cup back to her, and she took it off for testing.
"How long does it usually take?" I asked.

"Around fifteen minutes, you two will just wait in here. I'll come back with the results." She shut the door, and I let out a huff. I kept quiet until Shannon spoke out.

"So, do you have baby names?"

"I may not even be pregnant. Why would I already have names?"

"Well, I've been thinking of names for my children since I was little." She told me.

"I guess Madison is nice."

"What if you have a boy?"

"If I'm pregnant, and it turns out to be a boy I was thinking the name Shane." I shrugged.

"So you have thought of names!"

"Sure," The door opened and the nurse came in. I waited impatiently for her to tell me the results. She sat down looking at the paper and writing something. I started tapping my foot, hoping she would get the hint. She looked up and smiled.

"Well this is either good or bad news. Since there isn't a father here I'm guessing it's bad." I thought for a second. Why would I need a parent here? Did she think I was some punk kid?
"Well actually my dad died a few years ago." I told her.

Her face changed quickly from happy to sympathetic. "I'm sorry to hear that, but I didn't mean your father."

"What did you mean then?"

"I meant the father of your child."

My eyes widened, and I stared in disbelief. "I'm pregnant?"

"You sure are, you're about two months along." She told me.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered under my breath.